How long does it take to beat resident evil 4 remake?

How Long does it take to Beat Resident Evil 4 Remake?

Is Resident Evil 4 Remake longer than the original?


Resident Evil 4 Remake, for some reason.

If there’s any one game that defines my experience as a gamer, it’s RE4, a game about the boy next door with good hair that goes on vacation in Spain looking for love, only managing to piss off all the locals instead. I’ve played it more than any other game, completing it close to 100 times over the past 17 years, and consider it to be my favorite game of all time and, interchangeably, the best game of all time — like so many others that have been privileged enough to play it for themselves.

I was a youngster back then in early 2006, when I first stumbled upon the gem on the PS2 and got to slide into the jacket of Leon S. Having played some of the more popular RE games of the time, I had familiarized myself with the fixed camera angles that the series made famous, but little did I know that until RE4 came around, I hadn’t seen nothing yet.

Reflecting on the change from fixed camera to over the shoulder at the time, I strangely didn’t think much of it. What I did think is that RE4 brought forth an entirely new form of stylish action experience and replayability that the medium never thought possible to that point.

It says a lot about how much RE4 revolutionized gaming that still, almost 18 years later, perhaps the best game of the year is not only directly influenced by it, but, well, it’s a whole ass remake of RE4.

When I first heard about Capcom remaking RE2 and following that up with RE3, I thought to myself, “please don’t even think about doing this with 4,” because that would be blasphemy, right? How do you, and more importantly, why would you, decide to redo something that was already done perfectly? You don’t fix something that ain’t broke. (Luis broke cart)

One does not colorize Citizen Kane, or remake Scarface (show Leon).

RE4 is, to me, on the same level of those achievements, but not just as the video game equivalent, as simply a peer, perhaps the peak form of arts and entertainment this century, bringing a level of cinematic tension, poetic storytelling and personalized expression through action-oriented gameplay to offer a unique experience unlike anything else possible in interactive media. But I’ve said enough about it already, here, in my heartfelt retrospective.

Today I’m tasked with reviewing the ambitious remake of one of the all-time classics, because they decided against conventional wisdom to do it anyway. (she really pushed it)

I had come to a compromise in my own mind that if Capcom had set out to do this remake, and if only they remained faithful to what the original source material brought to the table in terms of atmospheric level design, heart-pounding encounters and uncompromising brutality, that they may very well end up with a near-masterpiece by default.

My conventional wisdom (Salazar sagacious) would prove correct, because RE4 Remake is not only an amazing game in-and-of-itself, it’s one of the few games other than OG RE4 to truly nail down a synthes.


Is Resident Evil 4 the longest game?


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Resident Evil has long reigned supreme in the realm of survival horror and zombie action, establishing its dominance in the genre since its initial release in 1996. With each passing year, the franchise continues to captivate fans with fresh narratives and horrifying encounters against iconic foes.

Related Few game franchises match the sheer awe and horror exhibited in the chilling Resident Evil titles. But which in the series were the scariest?

A duração necessária para completar uma jogada completa de um jogo Resident Evil varia, seja isso envolvendo uma campanha simples e linear ou múltiplos cenários de personagens. Enquanto algumas experiências podem ser relativamente breves, outras imergem os jogadores em longas doses de terror.

Updated July 21st 2024, by Mara Cowley: Resident Evil owes its popularity to its fun, frightening gameplay, incredible monster designs, the hall of heroes that regularly rotate through the games, and the fact that the games never outstay their welcome. Apesar disso, existem certamente alguns títulos mais longos do que outros, com um se destacando como o jogo mais longo de Resident Evil.

Este artigo já explorou todas as suas entradas principais, respondendo a perguntas como “quanto tempo leva para completar o remake de Resident Evil 3”, mas há títulos spin-off esquecidos que agora foram adicionados, para fornecer uma lista abrangente de todos os jogos e quanto tempo os jogadores precisam para vencê-los.

Following the events covered in Code Veronica, in which Claire Redfield explores Rockfort Island while searching for her older brother with the help of Steve Burnside, Survivor 2 is a light-gun shooter that was released originally for arcade machines in Japan before it was given a PS2 version.

As expected of an arcade game, Survivor 2 – Code Veronica is a very short experience only meant to provide some fun shooter gameplay rather than enthrall players in a immersive horror story. This makes this game the shortest entry in the expansive library of Resident Evil games.

Capcom aren’t always the mind behind their flagship zombie title, as sometimes they trust in other developers to create another great entry into a hallowed franchise. One of such titles is Resident Evil Survivor, a light-gun shooter for PC and PS1. The game follows an amnesiac helicopter pilot who must now face overwhelming odds to survive, and hopefully recover his memories.

Related Though arcade games aren’t as popular nowadays, the light-gun shooter zombie games of years past were hugely popular. It is a short experience that players can’t expect to spend much time in, taking only about 2 hours to complete on average. Not every game needs to be long, and it may be for the best a fun experience such as Survivor doesn’t outstay its welcome.

There have been many reimaginings of Capcom’s classic trio of games; the first Resident Evil, RE2, and RE3. Uprising is just another one of these games detailing Claire and Leon’s struggle to survive the zombie-to.


How long does it take to 100% RE4 remake?


Sign in to your ScreenRant account. Discovering how long it takes to beat Resident Evil 4 Remake can be vital for some players before actually purchasing it. The remake of the classic Capcom game tells the story of Leon S. Kennedy during his adventures in Spain. Lá, enquanto escolta Ashley Graham, ele enfrenta um novo grupo de inimigos que estão infestados por um parasita chamado Las Plagas. Esta forma de vida torna os aldeões extremamente agressivos.

Devido à sua estrutura narrativa geral e à forma como os mapas são dispostos, RE4 Remake é significativamente mais longo do que seus predecessores, notavelmente o popular Resident Evil 2 e Resident Evil 3. O título dirigido por Shinji Mikami iniciou uma nova era na franquia, com uma abordagem diferente ao gênero em si. Embora Resident Evil 4 Remake mude a jogabilidade original em alguns aspectos, sua essência e a maior parte de sua história permanecem intactas, o que significa que leva aproximadamente a mesma quantidade de tempo para terminar o jogo e alcançar 100% de conclusão como o original fez.

Embora o jogo seja mais longo do que seus predecessores, ainda é bastante curto. Leva cerca de 15 horas para completar a história principal de Resident Evil 4 Remake. Jogadores que já estão acostumados ao jogo e sabem o que fazer em cada momento devem ser capazes de concluí-lo em menos tempo, cerca de 12 horas. Isso se deve ao fato de que não precisarão descobrir quebra-cabeças ou mecânicas de chefes, por exemplo. Claro, speedrunning do jogo Resident Evil eventualmente se tornará uma prática comum e os jogadores encontrarão uma maneira de completá-lo em apenas algumas horas.

Completar todos os objetivos secundários, no entanto, é um empreendimento mais extenso. Leva entre 30 e 35 horas para 100% completar Resident Evil 4 Remake. Isso considerando que os jogadores sabem o que precisam fazer para cumprir os objetivos secundários mencionados. Se os jogadores forem sem saber o que mais precisam fazer, isso pode levar muito mais tempo. Claro, completar 100% do jogo não é uma exigência e é apenas um objetivo para jogadores que buscam conquistas no Xbox e PC, ou troféus de Platina no PlayStation.

Mesmo que leve muito mais tempo para terminar Resident Evil 4 Remake com uma taxa de conclusão de 100%, ainda é um jogo bastante curto. Embora os gráficos atualizados para plataformas modernas sejam o principal atrativo para o remake, o novo título está mudando alguns elementos. Esses incluem algumas pequenas alterações na jogabilidade até como arcos de histórias maiores se desenrolam.

Source: Resident Evil/YouTube


How fast can you beat the RE4 remake?


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It has been less than a month since Resident Evil 4 Remake launched and odds are many of you have played your way through the game a time or two by now. You may have even taken a peak at the remake’s professional difficulty and then, if you’re anything like me, run away in horror shortly after. Or you powered through and proceeded to become the first person in the world to beat the game in under two hours on its most punishing difficulty.

That’s exactly what streamer spicee has managed to achieve (thanks, PC Gamer), beating the new version of Resident Evil 4 in just one hour, 58 minutes, and 47 seconds. According to, that’s a full ten minutes faster than the previous world record Professional run. It even ranks pretty highly among the quickest times to complete the game on standard difficulty with only five players managing to do that in less than two hours so far.

You can watch spicee’s sub-two-hour Resident Evil 4 run below if you want to pick up some tips on how to shave a few minutes off your own PB, or just be made to feel bad that you will probably never be that good. On the bright side for those of us who lean closer to the 15-and-a-half-hour average to finish the game (via HowLongToBeat), getting the game done fast isn’t down to mastering the punishing parry. It’s basically a case of avoiding combat wherever possible.

You’ll also need to have a heart of stone as helping others, including the dog that aids you beat El Gigante, is a big no-no. Letting the dog die is key to clocking the perfect time, so unless you’re ready to face that reality, speedrunning Resident Evil 4 isn’t for you.

Most exciting of all is these are still early days for the remake. Beating the game on Professional is impressive right now, but that record will be beaten again and again in the coming months.

In fact, spicee might well only hold onto the record for a matter of days. YouTube channel WaifuRuns is holding a Professional Resident Evil 4 speedrunning tournament on April 15 (thanks, GamesRadar) where the very best players will go head-to-head in an attempt to be the quickest at the game at this early stage.

If you have no interest in speeding through Resident Evil 4, I don’t blame you. There are so many details to discover that whizzing past them seems like a waste, and it definitely has nothing to do with me not being good enough to speedrun like the best of them, absolutely not. Running through the game would mean missing details like Hunnigan’s love for bingo, a reference to the original’s Wii box art, and a subtle reference to Resident Evil 5.

NEXT: Andor Really Was An Anomaly, Huh?


How long is Resident Evil 4 separate ways?


Separate Ways is a bonus game in Resident Evil 4 HD and in certain RE4 releases. In it, you play as Ada Wong as she goes through the events from the main game. You will come across Leon Kennedy a few times through the missions.

How long is Resident Evil 4: Separate Ways?

When focusing on the main objectives, Resident Evil 4: Separate Ways is about 3½ Hours in length. If you’re a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 5 Hours to obtain 100% completion.

Platforms Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Wii, Xbox 360, Xbox One
Genres Third-Person, Horror, Survival
Developer Capcom
Publisher Capcom
NA Release Date October 25th, 2005
EU Release Date November 4th, 2005
JP Release Date December 1st, 2005

Updated: 13.5 Hours Ago

Note: This game has been marked as DLC/Expansion.


How many chapters are in the Resident Evil 4 Remake separate ways?


Resident Evil 4: Separate Ways is a DLC expansion for Resident Evil 4 Remake that places you in Ada Wong’s high-heeled boots as her search for “the Amber” intertwines with Leon’s journey to rescue the president’s daughter, Ashley. Featuring seven action-packed chapters, seven Merchant Side Quests, and various Weapons and Treasures to collect, the Separate Ways DLC has plenty of content for you to seek your teeth into.

From Chapter Walkthroughs to Treasure Locations, this hub page features a complete list of all our Separate Ways DLC guides and provides guide links that enable you to jump into the action without wasting a second.

All the guides listed below focus specifically on Resident Evil 4: Separate Ways (2023), the DLC for Resident Evil 4 Remake, not the original expansion.

Continue reading or click the links below to learn more about a specific Separate Ways DLC guide:


Click the links below to read our Separate Ways DLC Walkthroughs that provide detailed instructions to help you complete each chapter:

  • Walkthrough Chapter 1
  • Walkthrough Chapter 2
  • Walkthrough Chapter 3
  • Walkthrough Chapter 4
  • Walkthrough Chapter 5
  • Walkthrough Chapter 6
  • Walkthrough Chapter 7

Click the links below to learn more about the various Merchant Requests in the Separate Ways DLC:

  • Merchant Request 1
  • Merchant Request 2
  • Merchant Request 3
  • Merchant Request 4
  • Merchant Request 5
  • Merchant Request 6
  • Merchant Request 7

Complete all seven Merchant Requests in the Separate Ways DLC to unlock the indestructible Elite Knife.

Click the links listed below to read guides that detail the location of each Treasure in their respective region, or click the links in the table to learn where to find a specific Treasure:

Treasure Location
Treasure 1 Location 1
Treasure 2 Location 2
Treasure 3 Location 3
Treasure 4 Location 4
Treasure 5 Location 5

Previous Ending Explained Next How to Start Separate Ways Resident Evil 4 Capcom Mar 24, 2023 +3


Is Separate Ways in RE4 Remake good?


As fantastic as Resident Evil 4’s remake is, one of the most conspicuous absences from its original release was Ada Wong’s side story – it was such a key part of the HD version of the original game, after all. Thankfully, in this age of delays and over-hype, we haven’t had to wait too long for Capcom to complete the story, and the quality and replayability of this version of Separate Ways has been well worth the wait.

Originally designed as a way of differentiating the PS2 port of RE4 from the GameCube original, Separate Ways was an interesting, if somewhat inessential addition to the game. Billed as filling in the gaps between Ada and Leon’s interactions, the result was entertaining, but I never really felt that it hung together in its own right. To a degree this is still the case – I certainly wouldn’t recommend anyone playing this DLC standalone or without experience of the main story – but the changes made here do result in a more coherent adventure, albeit one that is by definition parasitic.

Mechanically and graphically, Separate Ways benefits from all the same enhancements that the remake brought to the main game, and by and large Ada feels not that dissimilar to Leon as a player character. She is perhaps a little more nimble and has different melee attacks, but the general controls and combat style are much the same. The main point of departure here is in her signature grapple gun, which is used both as a traversal mechanic and a way of covering the distance between her and stunned enemies. The verticality this adds to familiar areas of the main game is particularly refreshing and does make me wish for a more fleshed out adventure starring the enigmatic spy.

What really stands out in Separate Ways, aside from how cool Ada Wong is as a character, is how much the RE team has nailed set pieces. The shorter runtime of this adventure means that there is very little fat or downtime here, with the story going between epic moments without pausing to catch breath. There are still a couple of chapters of hunting for objects, but the main focus is on the deliciously meaty combat.

Ada has fewer weapon options than Leon, but the upgrades and merchant encounters are maintained. I found the shotgun to be far less useful than in other games, in part because the ability to stun enemies and grapple close to them for the killing melee blow felt so satisfying. A crossbow that fires explosive bolts is the main addition here, not to be confused with the Bolt Thrower Leon had, and is fun to use against groups. It did, however, take up a huge amount of space in the inventory so I mostly kept it in storage.

My initial playthrough of Separate Ways took around four and a half hours, with a few silly deaths and area restarts to find missed collectables, while a second rapid run through was a little over two hours (annoyingly, just nine minutes over the challenge target). There are a lot of cutscenes and scripted comms chats that fill out the story, but.


What do you get for completing Separate Ways in RE4?

Successfully completing Separate Ways will unlock the Chicago Typewriter for the main game. Additionally, the costume set “Special 2” can be selected when starting a new game in the main game. This consists of a mafia costume for Leon and a suit of armor for Ashley.

How long does it take to beat final fantasy vii remake?

How Long does it take to Beat Final Fantasy VII Remake?

Is Final Fantasy 7 Remake long?

Main Story is probably about 16 to 20 hours if you don’t do any side quests. Including 1h+ idling time, so the real time should be less than 19.5h.

How quickly can I beat the FF7 Remake?

If you keep up a good pace and don’t get stuck by any of the game’s big bosses, then you can beat Final Fantasy 7 Remake in 25-30 hours, even while completing all of the side quests.

Is Final Fantasy 7 remake shorter than the original?


Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, a game which takes up a third of the original Final Fantasy 7 (runtime: around 50 hours), will take up to 100 hours to complete. Some of you probably read that sentence with excitement – and maybe already knew that – while others among you will have groaned and rolled your eyes. I think I’m between camps on this one, and see the merit in what this remake trilogy project is trying to do. But just once, I’d love for a developer to say “yeah, this game’s really small, you’ll have a great time and finish it over a weekend”.

This is a complex issue that numbers alone cannot speak to. My game of the year in 2023 was Baldur’s Gate 3, which took me over 100 hours and I still don’t think I saw even half of what it had to offer. This year, the early front runner is Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth, which I’m about two thirds of the way through at 40 hours. And back in 2020, it was Final Fantasy 7 Remake. That took just shy of 50 (so half of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth), but it helped me appreciate the value in retelling this iconic story in a fresh way.

Video game remakes tend to be shot for shot deals. They might switch up some poorly aged dialogue, add some modern controls, and give the graphics a polish, but what they are aiming for is a perfect recreation. This is what X game would look like if it launched today. Final Fantasy 7 Remake, even though it’s made by the same studio and even some of the same developers as the original, feels more like a movie remake.

It wants to recreate the spirit of the journey, not the actual events. It’s The Departed to Infernal Affairs, His Girl Friday to The Front Page, A Star is Born to… well, they were both called A Star is Born. This is not ‘how do we do the original Final Fantasy 7 so modern audiences can tolerate it’, which is the perspective most games are made from. This is ‘what can we say that the original Final Fantasy 7 did not’. The developers have spoken about incorporating Western influences, of imbuing the game with a sense of freedom and exploration, and of ruminating on the power of memory through reinterpreting their own masterwork as older craftsmen.

Note: Maybe in that sense, it’s more like All That Jazz to Cabaret.

But let’s put Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth aside. I know I brought it up, but just go with me here. It’s not about whether that specific game is too long. The point is that the industry as a whole is making its games longer and longer, costing themselves so much money that we see repeated layoffs, seemingly because it thinks this is what players want. Or, because ‘what players want’ is a low priority these days, because it offers solid player retention metrics and “biggest game yet!” feels like a solid sales pitch.

But most people would take shorter games that had good-but-not-cutting-edge visuals that meant the series could reliably offer a new entry every couple of years. Final Fantasy is a bad example here, with 7 in 2020 and 2024 with 16 in 2023 and 14 running through that.


Is Final Fantasy 7 Remake a short game?


i haven’t seem much of Final Fantasy VII Remake because i wanted to learn about 7 myself. So i started playing the original Game and enjoyed it more than i thought (mainly because of the story and dated yet interesting locations, i kinda blazed through the fights with cheats because i didn’t like it that much).

so after around 6 hours, some of it me getting lost in that Part of the Game where cloud dresses up like a girl, I beat the “Midgar” Section.

before playing this Game, i heard that all of the remake takes place in Midgar, yet i beat the “Midgar” Section effortlessly.

I don’t get it? Isnt the remake like, the next Triple A Final Fantasy Installment? Is it really like- 14 Hours (assumption) And thats only extra stuff? is Sephiroth even in the freakin game? .___.

I would like to know how long the Game is, and HOW the game is so long if it basically covers the prologue. I here many say Remake is a masterpiece but i want the Game to be at least as long as Final Fantasy XV a game i love to the end.


Why is FF7 so popular?


One of the longest-going debates in the Final Fantasy franchise is which game is better than VII. While many fans have their own favorites over the course of fifteen mainline games — and tons of spinoffs — VII stands as the popular favorite. Not only was it the most successful game in the series but the most popular as a result.

When Square Enix released Final Fantasy X in 2001, it brought in an all-new era of JRPGs. Released on the PlayStation 2, this title featured full voice acting, new battle system enhancements, and amazing cinematography. With that being said, this list will compare two of Square Enix’s colossal titles.

Updated April 24th, 2022 by Russ Boswell: Final Fantasy 7 and Final Fantasy 10 are both juggernauts in the franchise in their own rights. They both brought their own special flair, innovations, and systems to the series and although Final Fantasy 7 came first in development, it’s hard to ignore some of the great things present in Final Fantasy 10.

There are a lot of amazing moments to unpack in each game, and although Final Fantasy 10 is newer, and more visually appealing in-game, that doesn’t mean it’s better overall. Which game is the best of the two and why? To better answer that question the following list has been updated with even more information.

Final Fantasy 10 had its fair share of pretty spectacular boss fights, and although the combat is arguably a brighter spot for Final Fantasy 10, it’s hard to ignore the slew of amazing bosses present in Final Fantasy 7. The biomes in the vibrant title change quite often, giving players access to new and exciting boss types that range from mechanical wonders to superhuman soldiers, to space-bound monsters, and everything in-between. Final Fantasy 7 also introduces players to the “Weapons,” massive doomsday-like mech-style enemies that pack a massive punch and take some serious skill to defeat.

Summons have been a big part of the Final Fantasy franchise, but some games in the series manage to utilize them much better than others. Final Fantasy 7 had its own fair share of great summons, with many to choose from thanks to specialized summoning Materia, but it’s arguable that Final Fantasy 10 had the better summons overall. There weren’t as many but they felt more like a central focus in the title, especially with the word Aeon being thrown around and some key moments in which players needed to do battle with a particular summon or undergo a lengthy sidequest to unlock one. Those that prefer to let their summons do all the battling will likely feel more at home with Final Fantasy 10.

This point is definitely up for debate as there are many players out there that didn’t appreciate the multitude of mini-games that Final Fantasy 7 essentially forced on the player. While some of them do feel a bit lackluster, it’s hard to deny that they aren’t a welcome change of pace in a fairly lengthy game. The grind can be pretty overwhelming at times in Final Fantasy 7 and the mini games, regardless of…


Is Final Fantasy 7 Remake the first game?



A Place to Call Home – And discuss all things Final Fantasy, from the games, to the movies, to fanart and cosplay and beyond.



FF VII / Remake

I’m new to the franchise and I’ve only ever played FFXVI, but I’m about to start FFVII remake and I’m a little confused. I’ve heard that it’s not the complete story of the original game. I also am aware that Rebirth is about to come out and the remake is a planned trilogy. So are they just remaking the original game in 3 parts? Or is it different from the original?

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Is Final Fantasy VII Rebirth a remake?



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FF VII / Remake

Are the fighting mechanics different? Different story?

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What is the best version of Final Fantasy 7?


Pretty much everyone has heard of the legend that is Final Fantasy 7 at this point. The game is a masterpiece that combines the classic gameplay loop of a JRPG along with a unique modern fantasy setting that engrossed players to no end. Exploring the city of Midgar in its entirety and witnessing this industrial nightmare made for a great start to the game that eased players into the massive open world that would open up soon after.

Returning to the Gold Saucer for some R&R, Cloud gets to take one lucky lady (or Barret) on the Gondola ride of a lifetime in Final Fantasy VII.

The game is so popular that multiple versions of the title exist, including a Remake that covers the first few hours of the adventure while also setting the stage for multiple sequels that will flesh out the story even more. As a result, it’s only a given that players who want to experience this masterpiece for themselves may be confused about which release to check out if they want to experience the game in its entirety.

Updated on March 6, 2024, by Ritwik Mitra: The legend of Final Fantasy 7 is pretty apparent at this point. The game broke new ground for the JRPG genre, ushering in the golden era of these games on the PlayStation and turning the franchise into one of the biggest names in the West. The fact that a mainline Final Fantasy 7 game is still relevant in modern times shows just how much of an impact this incredible game had. Featuring a cast of memorable characters and one of the most intimidating villains in video game history, it’s easy to see why fans of Final Fantasy 7 want to check out each and every version of this title, remake or otherwise.

The initial release of Final Fantasy 7 on PC is notorious for being one of the most broken ports in JRPG history. The game was made using an early alpha build, leaving the developers out of the loop as they were forced to put a band-aid on most of the issues plaguing this game while also trying to make it run properly on the platform. This resulted in a bunch of issues and bugs that made the game downright unplayable for most players on this platform.

The characters have mouths in this version that are broken, making their models look pretty goofy at times. The music is also presented in a MIDI format, making it sound notably worse than it should in every way, which is a huge problem for players who love the series for its amazing music. The battle UI also runs at 15 FPS, which is a common problem that plagues most ports of the PlayStation Final Fantasy games. However, the worst thing this PC port does is crash when players reach the Chocobo Racing minigame, with this bug coming during a time when players simply didn’t have access to fast internet. As a result, the experience was ruined for many players who had to drop the game more than halfway through the experience!

The mobile ports for most Final Fantasy games have been abysmal, and Final Fantasy 7 is no exception to this trend. Despite being Square’s biggest title,


How long does it take to beat hollow knight?

How Long does it take to Beat Hollow Knight?

Is beating Hollow Knight hard?


Four hours into fighting a Hollow Knight boss, you may struggle to agree that this is a “simple” game in any sense of the word. Hollow Knight demands mastery of its systems; there is no button-mashing your way through the enemies, no moves you can spam over and over again to win, no bosses you can expect to beat on your first try. It’s a brutally hard game and is not afraid to punish you for your mistakes. How, then, could anything like this be “simple?”

Hollow Knight’s combat feels infinitely complex, but the truth is that each battle can be broken down into a few simple interlocking systems centered around the moveset of your character, the Knight. The core of the Knight’s moveset relies on their melee attack: a sword called the “nail” that quickly slashes and does a decent bit of damage. You have the nail from the very beginning of the game, and will have it until the very end. There are no other weapons. No greatsword, no spear, no dual-wielded throwing knives: just you and the nail. It has upgrades, of course, but nothing special. You cannot forge it to shoot beams of light or set enemies ablaze. It will never become much more complex than its original form.

Described in this way, the nail seems boring, like a placeholder that never quite got fleshed out. But while playing the game, the nail’s simplicity allows it to become an extension of yourself—an action so natural you never have to think about it—while still holding some unique intricacies of its own. For example, the nail knocks back both enemies and yourself. It’s only logical, then, that slashing down upon an enemy would send the Knight into the air, allowing you to reach new places and avoid attacks while doing damage. It’s a beautiful continuation of the system that’s been established and a higher-level strategy necessary to truly master the game.

However, where the nail really shines is how well it fits within the other systems of Hollow Knight. The nail provides the solid foundation that the rest of the game stands on, the point of reference everything else plays off of. To truly understand this interplay, we must talk about soul.

Like many games, there are two numbers you must watch while playing Hollow Knight: your health, and your soul. Soul is Hollow Knight’s version of “magic points” or “mana,” letting you heal yourself and cast damaging spells. There are many ways games approach mana recovery. Some let it accumulate over time, forcing you to take a break to recover. Others treat mana as an object to be picked up, either dropped by enemies or found within the world. Still others, such as Terraria, combine these systems, creating complex mid-combat scenarios with multiple ways to gain mana. An additional complexity is that, in many games, different spells cost different amounts of mana; spells in Skyrim cost anywhere from zero to 1426 “magicka”, making it nigh impossible to keep track of each spell and its cost. Hollow Knight streamlines all of this to the point where you could e.


Is Hollow Knight harder than Dark Souls?


We are a fan community for Hollow Knight, a 2D adventure/Metroidvania game for the PC, Mac, Linux, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One! The sequel, Hollow Knight: Silksong, does not yet have a release date!



How long is the main story of Hollow Knight?


Hollow Knight is arguably one of the greatest indie games ever made. Its combination of platforming, immense difficulty, hack-and-slash elements, and Metroidvania influences create a spectacular adventure that received critical praise from reviewers and players alike.

But exactly how long is Hollow Knight, and what can players expect if they really want to sit down and crank through the storyline? We’ll break it all down by category – whether you intend to zip through the main quest or complete everything the game has to offer, we’ll let you know the sort of time investiture you’re in for here.

Updated on April 3, 2023 by Quinton O’Connor: While there’s only so much to say on a game’s length, the quest to tidy up our existing content here at TheGamer is nigh-endless. We’ve recently tweaked our formatting here and there to improve flow and improved readability on mobile devices.

There are a lot of great side-scrolling indie Metroidvanias out there that run a little bit on the short side. Since they’re so action-packed, filled with enemies, and usually contain amazing boss fights, they’re limited in their size.

Hollow Knight, by comparison, is certainly not small. Team Cherry did a fantastic job in fleshing out a beautiful (albeit dark) world teeming with multiple zones and a slew of challenging bosses.

Here’s a look at how long it usually takes players to complete Hollow Knight according to HowLongToBeat:

Hollow Knight features a robust story and a large mountain of “side content” to sift through, but players may be surprised to find a fairly healthy endgame waiting for them. Those that have beaten the core story and wish to “see and do all they possibly can” will have a number of tasks to complete to truly 100% Hollow Knight.

Here’s a glimpse at some of the things players will want to do once they’re strong enough to face the toughest challenges in the Hollow Nest.


How long for 112% in Hollow Knight?


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What is the average time to beat Hollow Knight?


Hollow Knight is a challenging, beautiful action adventure game set in the vast, inter-connected underground kingdom of Hallownest. A 2D action game with an emphasis on skill and exploration, Hollow Knight has you fighting a fearsome host of deadly creatures, avoiding intricate traps and solving ancient mysteries as you make your own way through fu …Read More

How long is Hollow Knight? When focusing on the main objectives, Hollow Knight is about 27 Hours in length. If you’re a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 64½ Hours to obtain 100% completion.

Platforms: Linux, Mac, Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One
Genres: Action, Adventure
Developer: Team Cherry
Publisher: Team Cherry
NA Release Date: February 24th, 2017
EU Release Date: February 24th, 2017
Updated: 1.5 Hours Ago
Alias: Hollow Knight: Voidheart Edition


Is beating Hollow Knight hard?


Four hours into fighting a Hollow Knight boss, you may struggle to agree that this is a “simple” game in any sense of the word. Hollow Knight demands mastery of its systems; there is no button-mashing your way through the enemies, no moves you can spam over and over again to win, no bosses you can expect to beat on your first try. It’s a brutally hard game and is not afraid to punish you for your mistakes. How, then, could anything like this be “simple?”

Hollow Knight’s combat feels infinitely complex, but the truth is that each battle can be broken down into a few simple interlocking systems centered around the moveset of your character, the Knight. The core of the Knight’s moveset relies on their melee attack: a sword called the “nail” that quickly slashes and does a decent bit of damage. You have the nail from the very beginning of the game, and will have it until the very end. There are no other weapons. No greatsword, no spear, no dual-wielded throwing knives: just you and the nail. It has upgrades, of course, but nothing special. You cannot forge it to shoot beams of light or set enemies ablaze. It will never become much more complex than its original form.

Described in this way, the nail seems boring, like a placeholder that never quite got fleshed out. But while playing the game, the nail’s simplicity allows it to become an extension of yourself—an action so natural you never have to think about it—while still holding some unique intricacies of its own. For example, the nail knocks back both enemies and yourself. It’s only logical, then, that slashing down upon an enemy would send the Knight into the air, allowing you to reach new places and avoid attacks while doing damage. It’s a beautiful continuation of the system that’s been established and a higher-level strategy necessary to truly master the game.

However, where the nail really shines is how well it fits within the other systems of Hollow Knight. The nail provides the solid foundation that the rest of the game stands on, the point of reference everything else plays off of. To truly understand this interplay, we must talk about soul.

Like many games, there are two numbers you must watch while playing Hollow Knight: your health, and your soul. Soul is Hollow Knight’s version of “magic points” or “mana,” letting you heal yourself and cast damaging spells. There are many ways games approach mana recovery. Some let it accumulate over time, forcing you to take a break to recover. Others treat mana as an object to be picked up, either dropped by enemies or found within the world. Still others, such as Terraria, combine these systems, creating complex mid-combat scenarios with multiple ways to gain mana.

An additional complexity is that, in many games, different spells cost different amounts of mana; spells in Skyrim cost anywhere from zero to 1426 “magicka,” making it nigh impossible to keep track of each spell and its cost. Hollow Knight streamlines all of this to the point where you could e


How long for 112% in Hollow Knight?


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Is Hollow Knight harder than Souls?


We are a fan community for Hollow Knight, a 2D adventure/Metroidvania game for the PC, Mac, Linux, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One! The sequel, Hollow Knight: Silksong, does not yet have a release date!



How long does it take to beat diablo iv?

How Long does it take to Beat Diablo IV?

How long is the main story of Diablo 4?


“How long is Diablo 4?” is a tricky question to answer as your playstyle affects the answer, but getting through all eight Acts and more should take between 25 and 100 hours. If you’re just looking to reach the end of the story, it should take you fewer than 40 hours, but if you want to begin the true endgame at Level 50, or even get through the Paragon system to reach Level 100, you’re going to have to play a lot of Diablo 4 – over 100 hours or you could even say it never truly ends.

Abaixo você encontrará um resumo de quanto tempo leva para completar Diablo 4 com base em seu estilo de jogo e definição de “completar” o jogo.

Como eu disse, o tempo necessário para terminar Diablo 4 varia muito com base no que você considera ser completar o jogo e quão mais coisas não essenciais você deseja fazer:

  • Se você está focando apenas na história e jogando em um nível de Mundo Diablo 4 mais baixo para facilitar o jogo, você deve conseguir ver os créditos em menos de 30 horas.
  • No entanto, se você estiver disposto a explorar masmorras, preencher seu log de missões do Diablo 4 com missões secundárias e ver o máximo possível do mapa do Diablo 4, antes de alcançar o final da história, você facilmente passará mais de 40 horas fazendo isso.

Finalmente, se você quiser ir além da história e do Nível 50 para progredir através do tabuleiro Paragon de Diablo 4 até o nível 100, seu tempo total de jogo provavelmente disparará para centenas de horas. Se você não considerar completar a história o fim do jogo, Diablo 4 praticamente não tem fim, já que a moagem ilimitada e as funcionalidades de serviço ao vivo significam que sempre há algo a perseguir – e se você ficar entediado, pode começar de novo com uma nova classe de personagem!

O modo campanha de Diablo 4 é dividido em oito Atos de comprimentos variados, totalizando cerca de 100 missões individuais. Os Atos de Diablo 4 são:

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How long does it take to 100% in Diablo 4?


It’s gonna take you a little while. What is the Diablo 4 max level? Diablo 4’s max level will take you some time to reach, as there’s some nuance in achieving the power cap in Blizzard’s newest action RPG.

Leveling is foundational to the Diablo franchise, and is one of the things that makes your trip through Hell so damn fun. As long as you’re willing to put time and effort into leveling your character, the game will reward you with new skills, advanced gameplay features, special content unlocks, and of course, brag-worthy ancestral loot. If you truly want to see everything Sanctuary has to offer, you’ll need to put blood, sweat, and tears into achieving your character’s full potential. Here’s everything you need to know about reaching the max level cap in Diablo 4, which is out now on Game Pass.

The Diablo 4 max level is 100 and it takes around 150 hours to reach that level.

According to Blizzard, it will take players approximately 35 hours of gameplay to complete the game’s massive campaign, and players can expect to finish the campaign at about level 45. Any additional leveling will take place during the game’s post-campaign content. If you build a new character, that character will generally need to begin the leveling process all over again.

And Blizzard’s Joseph Piepiora revealed via Twitter that it would take the average player more than 150 hours to reach level 100. This means that players who want to reach max level on each character class can expect to spend a staggering 750 hours in the game.

Leveling is important in Diablo 4 because it dictates your skill points and impacts your character builds. You can earn XP increases by playing on higher World Tier difficulties. However, note that if you’re playing Diablo 4 multiplayer, all players must play on the same World Tier, so be sure to settle on one that works for your entire crew if that’s how you intend to play.

The Diablo 4 max item power level appears to be about 850, which does not include additional power levels granted from upgrading. The actual number remains a mystery as it has not been confirmed by Blizzard. However, this number is based on self-reported stats and unverified screenshots of gear dropping with stats as high as 841 power. Although item power levels are different than character levels, you will generally get gear with higher power level stats as you reach higher character levels. You can apply additional power to your weapons and armor by upgrading at the blacksmith, and to jewelry by upgrading with the jeweler. If you have the requisite materials, you can add a 25 max power level to each item, though upgrade options are slightly more limited early in the game.

Diablo 4 min-maxers note that Diablo 4 uses a hidden breakpoint system that can drastically increase stats when you upgrade your gear into higher tiers. This means that, upon upgrading your items into a greater breakpoint tier, you’ll also generally notice a much larger boost to the range of stats that apply.


How many hours has Diablo 4 played?


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For dedicated Diablo 4 fans, spending countless hours grinding is a pleasure. Those who want to know how much time they spent on character upgrades, events, and resource farming, should keep reading to learn how to check playtime in Diablo 4.

Unfortunately, Diablo 4 does not provide a way to check playtime in the menu or settings. For users on each platform, the method of checking the playtime is different. Without further ado, let’s take a look at how to check playtime on each platform.

Many players experience problems with defeating Uber Lilith in Diablo 4, and this guide will help fans prepare for this difficult fight.

Let’s take a look at how to check playtime on each of the gaming platforms:

For PlayStation 5 users, checking the Diablo 4 playtime will be straightforward, and there are 2 ways to do it:

  • It’s worth noting that the main menu shows the approximate time spent in the game.
  • Here’s how to check the exact playtime in Diablo 4 on PlayStation 5:

Temerity is a rare item in Diablo 4, and this guide will show players how to obtain it.

On Xbox, to check playtime in Diablo 4, fans should follow these steps:

PC users can officially check their playtime in Diablo 4 only if they bought the game on Steam. However, a dedicated fan of the game has created an alternative method. D4 Armory is a website that allows players to track the playtime they have invested in the game since its release.

It is worth noting that this method works the same way for PlayStation 4 users.


How long is the Diablo 4 expansion campaign?


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Is Baldur’s Gate 3 basically D&D?


I’ve not played a huge amount of Dungeons & Dragons, but I get why those kids from Stranger Things won’t stop banging on about it. It turns out all those librarians in the 90s were right: using your imagination really is cool and fun! Indeed, our ability to conjure fiction from the ether is fundamental to the ongoing success of D&D. Making up stories with friends is very much a good time, and if you get to kill a goblin or two in the process? Well. That’s just gravy.

Built upon the foundations of D&D’s fifth edition ruleset, Baldur’s Gate 3 attempts to translate the fundamentals of the game into digital form. But how successful is it at doing so? Can a video game – with all the rigidity that comes with the medium – replicate the freedom of a table-top role playing game?

To help me answer this question, I’m joined in the video above by D&D fan and Baldur’s Gate liker Alice B. Together, we discuss the ways in which Baldur’s Gate 3 accurately delivers a faithful Dungeons & Dragons campaign, for better and for worse. Mainly better, though. Because. You know. Baldur’s Gate 3 is properly, properly good.

We cover everything, from combat to conversation, comparing each element to its real-life equivalent. It’s a fun chat, if I do say so myself. If you are a fan of D&D and have been adventuring through the forgotten realms these past few weeks, please do let us know your thoughts in the comments below. Is it a worthy conversion? Answers on a postcard, please.

If you’re looking for more Baldur’s Gate 3 videos, make sure to check out one I made for the game’s launch in which I offer my general impressions about this absolutely enormous game. If watching isn’t for you, make sure to check out Alice’s review, Ed’s feature about his psychotic bard Edders Sheeran and Edwin’s piece about the noble art of Barrelmancy. There’s loads, basically. We really like this game. Maybe check out our dedicated game page, if you haven’t already.

Oh also I had a really fun time drawing a Mind Flayer being crushed by a 7UP vending machine so, I’m going to share it here as well:


Is Baldur’s Gate 3 the best game ever made?


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Baldur’s Gate 3 is now one of the highest-rated video games of all time, though there are still six games that are ranked ahead of it at the time of this writing. Since its launch on PC, Baldur’s Gate 3 has earned near-universal acclaim, helping it overtake The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom has the highest-rated new game release of 2023. Baldur’s Gate 3 has also become the highest-rated PC game ever made, and so it’s no surprise that it’s found itself in the top 10 overall list as well.

It’s rare for the top 10 highest-rated video games to change much, but Baldur’s Gate 3 has managed to crack the top 10. Baldur’s Gate 3 cracking the top 10 has knocked The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild out of the list, which is interesting considerando BG3 também tomou o primeiro lugar para 2023 do Breath of the Wild’s sequel.

As for the current top 10 highest-rated games of all time, only six score acima de Baldur’s Gate 3. They are:

  • The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
  • Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 2
  • Grand Theft Auto 4
  • SoulCalibur
  • Super Mario Galaxy
  • Super Mario Galaxy 2

Right now, Baldur’s Gate 3 is ranking ahead of Red Dead Redemption 2, Grand Theft Auto 5, and Disco Elysium: The Final Cut.

Now, there is definitely still time for Baldur’s Gate 3’s overall review score to fluctuate and move it up or down the list. In fact, it was just yesterday that Baldur’s Gate 3 was in the ninth place spot, but more reviews have since been counted and pushed it a couple of places forward. It’s possible future reviews for the game will see it overcome the Super Mario Galaxy titles, though it’s just as likely that it may fall back down the list a bit.

Since Metacritic categorizes games by platform, Baldur’s Gate 3 should be able to keep its incredibly high spot even if the upcoming console versions don’t live up to expectations. However, the same won’t necessarily be true for the game on fellow review aggregate site OpenCritic. OpenCritic doesn’t discriminate between platforms, which means that review scores for the upcoming PS5 version of Baldur’s Gate 3 will have an impact on the game’s overall score on that site. Currently, Baldur’s Gate 3 is the highest-rated game of all time on OpenCritic, ahead of Super Mario Odyssey and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, though it’s worth pointing out that OpenCritic reviews only date back to 2013.

Baldur’s Gate 3 is out now for PC with a PS5 version coming September 6. An Xbox version of the game is also in development.

MORE: Baldur’s Gate 3: How Gale’s Personal Quest Mirrors Karsus’ Folly


How many hours is Baldur’s Gate 3 currently?


An ancient evil has returned to Baldur’s Gate, intent on devouring it from the inside out. The fate of Faerun lies in your hands. Alone, you may resist. But together, you can overcome.

How long is Baldur’s Gate 3? When focusing on the main objectives, Baldur’s Gate 3 is about 70½ Hours in length. If you’re a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 169 Hours to obtain 100% completion.

Platforms Mac, PC, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S
Genres Isometric, Third-Person, Turn-Based, Role-Playing
Developer Larian Studios
Publisher Larian Studios
NA Release Date August 3rd, 2023
EU Release Date August 3rd, 2023
Updated 46 Mins Ago
Alias Baldur’s Gate III


How long does it take to beat no man’s sky?

How Long does it take to Beat No Man’s Sky?

Is No Man’s Sky an endless game?


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The original reveal of No Man’s Sky is a mixed memory for many people. It promised something fantastic, an almost limitless universe of endlessly unique planets, all procedurally generated. Following its launch, people realised the game wasn’t quite what it was marketed as, being truly without a strict goal. Just endless space.


  • Hundreds of games for a low monthly fee. Is it as good as it sounds?

In the years following, however, No Man’s Sky has achieved one of the greatest turnarounds in gaming, continuing with updates over six years past its initial launch. As a result, the game is a drastically different beast from where it started, and maybe from even when you last picked it up.

Updated September 13, 2024 by Quinton O’Connor: Yet again, No Man’s Sky has received a substantial update. And, yet again, we’re here to tell you how our thoughts on this question have morphed as a result. The (very) short answer? Yes, the game’s absolutely worth it in 2024. Here’s why.

Though we have no dedicated review for No Man’s Sky, many of our editors have shared their opinions on the game over the years. In 2022, our Lead Features Editor, Jade King, remarked on her feelings on how the game had changed since launch. Despite acknowledging how incredible and genuinely great the game has become, she states that there’s a layer of intentional loneliness in the initial launch that no longer exists in No Man’s Sky.

We are a single meaningless being in a sea of endless stars, hoping that our discoveries might one day be stumbled upon.

Elsewhere, Features Editor Andy Kelly talks about how the various updates have made the game something he wants it to be, even if it isn’t how most play the game. For them, the post-launch Creative Mode is what made the game enjoyable. The gameplay loop of constantly mining and recharging your ship was a distraction from what they enjoyed most: seeing funky planets and their alien inhabitants.

Another major aspect of No Man’s Sky that was also launch post-launch is its VR mode, and most recently its updated PSVR2 mode. Mike Drucker, in a wonderfully wordy way, says that No Man’s Sky in VR is what made the game for him. The smallest little things made the vastness of its space seem real, and the ways you had to traverse made it a dramatically different experience when it paralleled your own movements.

At their best, motion controls remove layers of abstraction to make what you’re physically doing feel consistent with what you’re pretending to do – and damned if No Man’s Sky isn’t a completely different game when that happens.

Across that plethora of opinions, it’s clear to see that No Man’s Sky, after years of updates, has a little bit of something for everyone and is pretty free-form in how you approach it. It’s a game that will at times demand tedium of you and makes no promises of success, though in reality, that’s all part of the game.

The Switch version of No Man’s Sky has often suffered from poor performance.


How long would it take to fully explore no man’s sky?


No Man’s Sky is massive. Arguably, in a sense, the biggest game in existence. Few other games can claim they let you explore every planet in the galaxy, even if many of those planets lack the diversity of a real-life planet.

Related: Travelers can finally make their own custom ship in No Man’s Sky: Orbital.

How many planets actually do exist in No Man’s Sky though? The galaxy is a pretty big place and we’d be hard-pressed to ever be able to explore all of it, let alone know the boundaries of its existence. Turns out, No Man’s Sky is trying to emulate that part of space travel too.

Let’s jump right into the beautifully large number of planets because it is frankly absurd. 18,446,744,073,709,551,616. That’s 18 quintillion, a word that doesn’t really get much use because nothing normally even reaches that high a number.

You, as a single person, will never explore the entirety of No Man’s Sky. It already takes long enough to circumvent a single planet, let alone over 18 quintillion of them. In fact, it’s very likely the entire player base would never explore all of it. Couple this with what happens when you reach the centre of the galaxy, and you’ve got a practically endless amount of planets.

Now this is a fun question because it starts to bring into question how bad we, as humans, are when it comes to very large numbers. 18,446,744,073,709,551,616, that’s a pretty big number. But how big? Let the table below give you a better impression.

Time Frame Seconds to explore every planet
Seconds 18,446,744,073,709,551,616
Minutes 307,445,734,561,825,860
Hours 5,124,095,576,030,431
Days 213,503,982,334,601
Years 584,942,417,355

So, for a single person, it would take almost 600 million years to explore every single planet if they were visiting one every second. Impossible in many regards. So let’s extend that instead to the entire player base of No Man’s Sky.

Supposedly, No Man’s Sky has sold over 10 million units. Let’s assume for the calculation that every single copy sold is a unique player. That gives us 58,494 years for every single player to collectively explore every single planet, at one planet every single second. Enjoy the experience, because unless you plan on living a very long life, you’re not witnessing the full extent of No Man’s Sky’s literal universe.

The question then bares answering — in such a small filesize, from such a small development team, how is No Man’s Sky that big?

The number 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 is not random, but the limit of 64-bit computing.

It’s surprisingly simple, really. It’s a mix of theoretically easy but practically complex maths and a whole bunch of procedural generation. No Man’s Sky doesn’t actually have 18 quintillion planets, but rather the space for them. These planets don’t exist until you visit them and they’re cobbled together from a bunch of rules and procedu.


Is it possible to finish No Man Sky?


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Is it moving onto another galaxy? Or something else?


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Does No Man’s Sky have an end?


No Man’s Sky has a little something for everyone: exploration, survival, combat, crafting, monsters, aliens, and robots. With so much to do and so much to see, it’s easy to lose sight of what drove you to seek the stars in the first place. If you manage to stay on track and complete the game’s storyline, you will find yourself in a new galaxy.

Choose one of four procedurally generated galaxies filled with an impossible number of randomly generated worlds. As far as mechanics go, it’s the equivalent of New Game+. Narratively, everything begins again. Everything is 16. Your story never really ends and leaves players with a few questions.

A história de Artemis é uma triste. Artemis é um companheiro Traveler que morreu enquanto explorava a galáxia. Talvez. Você realmente fala com Artemis algumas vezes antes de encontrar seu túmulo. Seguindo a linha de quests, você tem a opção de “salvar” Artemis transferindo sua consciência para uma simulação diferente e menor do que a que você está atualmente. Isso levanta muitas mais perguntas.

Like, is your simulation running inside a larger simulation? Why would the Korvax build it, and how did Nada steal it? Will Leonardo DiCaprio show up spinning tops? So much left dangling out there.

Derelict freighters were added to the game during the Desolation update. They added an element of horror to the grand space adventure. They can be quite dangerous if you go in unprepared, and each has datapads and terminals that tell of their crews’ demise.

Regardless of what did them in, you will never find any bodies, just the occasional glove or helmet of a space suit floating around as you trudge through the frigid environment. Conveniently, the crew has left space heaters lying around to help you from freezing to death, which was nice. Too bad they didn’t think to help with the rogue security AI or weird space bugs.

Every inhabited system has a teleporter in the space station. The technology exists and is relatively inexpensive to build. The game requires you to have visited locations before being able to teleport there.

Still, thematically, you would think that you could just zap yourself anywhere in the cosmos if you had the coordinates. Why, then, is space travel so prevalent? Teleport gates are cheap and can be built on any planet in any system. They also take your ship with you when you go, which is very handy.

In every group, there is that one person who just refuses to get along with figures of authority. One such entity in your little group of Travelers is -null-. Like the other Travelers, -null- took the stars to explore and loved it, so much so that they decided to see absolutely everything, rebelling against the wishes of Atlas to do so.

-null- spent lifetimes seeing all their universe had to offer, only for Alas to show them the infinite multiverse before cutting them off. However, the question remains: how long did it take -null- to catalog an entire universe? How petty is Atlas to drop that kind of knowledge on -null- and then lose th.


How long does No Man’s Sky take to complete?


A science-fiction game set in an infinite procedurally generated galaxy.

How long is No Man’s Sky?

When focusing on the main objectives, No Man’s Sky is about 31 Hours in length. If you’re a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 153 Hours to obtain 100% completion.

Platforms Mac, Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One
Genres Action, Adventure, Survival
Developer Hello Games
Publisher Hello Games
NA Release Date August 9th, 2016
Updated 53 Mins Ago


Has anyone ever finished No Man’s Sky?


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Does No Man’s sky has the end of the game or something you have to do in order to finish the game?

(just being curious)


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How long will it take to explore all of No Man’s Sky?


What’s the plot of No Man’s Sky? The simple answer: you’re a space explorer who wakes up on an alien planet, without any memory of how you got there. You’ve got to repair your ship, take off into space, and explore the galaxy for answers. Along the way, you’ll discover endless new species of flora and fauna, fight enemies on land and in space, make connections with likeminded explorers, and more, as you search for the answers to the universe’s mysteries and your own.

The more accurate, less simple answer? The plot is whatever you want it to be. This is the largest, most complex open world game of all time.

“Open world” games invite players to wander their environments, free from the rigid, linear maps of old-school video games. Maybe you’re a knight crossing the hills of a medieval fantasy world to find magical artifacts, or a bad-seed gunslinger, ruthlessly galloping through the West in search of infamy and fortune. These games have primary missions, or “stories,” that players spend vast amounts of time finishing, along with plenty of side adventures along the way.

But the greatest thing about open world games, especially for a casual gamer? You don’t need to follow the storyline to have a great time. That’s the whole point of the open world. The bigger the map, the more potential for exploring it for your own purposes and at your own pace — and where those other open world games offer a continent or a planet to map out, No Man’s Sky offers something much, much more expansive. In fact, it’s almost unfathomably large.

Your character wakes up on one planet, but No Man’s Sky has 255 entire galaxies’ worth of planets to explore, totaling up to more than 18 quintillion worlds. It would take you nearly 585 billion years to see them all. No, that’s not a typo.

Mindboggling in size and scale, No Man’s Sky flips the typical video game experience on its head. There really isn’t any beating this game. You could finish the primary storyline, sure, but with an open world so enormous, is that really the true purpose of the game?

In that way, No Man’s Sky does something revolutionary in today’s culture: it asks you to stop thinking of life as a competition, to break away from the mindset ingrained in all of us from year one, and retrain yourself to find pleasure in slowness. Explore. Breathe. Slow down. Enjoy the scenery.


How long does it take to get a driver’s license?

How Long does it take to Get a Driver’s License?

How fast can you get your driver’s license?

Online: 2 weeks. Temporary driver’s licenses (cannot be used as identification) are provided instantly if all renewal requirements are met.
DMV Kiosk: 2 weeks to receive a hard copy by mail.
Mail: 4 weeks.

What’s the fastest you can get your driving licence?

Driving licence is usually sent to the applicant in less than 30 days after passing the test by post. If you haven’t received it in the set time, you can get in touch with your RTO and check the status. These days you can check your driving licence status online and do not have to pay a visit to the RTA office.

How long does it take to get a NY license?


Check License, Permit or Non-Driver ID Mailing Status

Mailing Status

We mail your license, learner permit, or non-driver ID to the address we have our records. Allow 3 weeks to receive the document.

You can check the mailing status of your photo document online by entering your:

Check the mailing status of your photo document online

If your document is not delivered two weeks after the date the document was processed, you can contact us about the mailing status.


How fast can you get your driver’s license in the US?


Can international students get a driver’s license in the USA? Yes! Getting your US driving license can make life as an international student a little easier. Being able to drive a car helps you run errands, explore your new home, and visit friends.

This guide will help you understand the driver’s license requirements that the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) or Registry of Motor Vehicles (RMV) have in place for issuing an international driver’s license in the USA. Note that every state has different requirements for how to get a driver’s license. This guide goes over the basics, including where to find state license information.

Can international students get a driver’s license in the USA? Yes! You can start by talking to your designated school official (DSO) or campus advisor. They can help you understand the requirements of getting an international driver’s license in your state, guide you towards the information needed for the application, and support you through the required steps. Your DSO can clarify any questions you may have about your eligibility for a driver’s license, such as “how can international students get a driver’s license in USA?”, “Can an F-1 student get a driver’s license?”, and more.

The application process to get an international driver’s license in the USA differs from state to state. Some states accept licenses from certain foreign countries. Depending on where you are from, you might be able to drive in the USA with a foreign license. If you have a license from another country or state, the DMV may not require you to take written and driving tests. Some states require a Social Security number (SSN) to issue an international driver’s license in the USA.

Before you can apply for an international student driver’s license, your Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS) record must be active. It can take as many as 10 days after arriving in the US for your status in SEVIS to update. After that, it can take another two business days for local systems to update with your Active status. Being patient and applying at least two weeks after your arrival will help you get your international driver’s permit with ease and avoid your application being rejected.

On Campus Kick start your life in the US with access to customized support services from the moment you arrive, including airport pickup, orientation, counseling, and more. Benefit from Shorelight’s on-campus support and resources as you work toward your degree.

Since DMVs will require specific documents – no exceptions – first reach out to your campus advisor or a Shorelight advisor to learn which documents you will need to apply for your international driver’s permit. Different states and territories have specific driver’s license requirements, and advisors are usually up to date on any new developments you should be aware of.

To get your international driver’s license in the USA, you will need to prove that you are an international student.


How long does NY DMV take to mail title?


Check a Title or Lien Status

Check Status Online

You can check the status of vehicle, boat, and Manufactured Home (MFH) titles and liens online. The status check service displays:

  • The service does not display any personal information about the vehicle owner or registrant.

You must provide the information found on your registration documents for vehicles and boats, or on your Manufacturer’s Certificate of Origin or Data Plate for manufactured homes. View sample documents.

Check a title or lien status online.

Please note, it can take up to 45 days to receive the title certificate from the DMV in the mail. If it has been more than 45 days and you still have not received your title, email the DMV.

Email the DMV to check your title status.

If a Lien is Not Listed:

For a Lienholder/Dealer to have a lien recorded on a Certificate of Title, if you did that, but did not see your lien listed when you checked the status of the title certificate on this website, or if you learned from another source that the lien is either not recorded or not pending, please notify DMV immediately by completing and emailing a Lienholder/Dealer Lien Inquiry (PDF) (MV-910) to the email address shown on the form.

Step 1: Provide your contact information (if you are a lending institution, include your lien filing code).

Step 2: Provide complete and accurate information for the vehicle(s), boat(s) or MFH(s) in question.

Step 3: Save the form.

Step 4: Send an email with the form as an attachment to the email address shown on the form.

Do not use this form or the email to request any other type of information or service from DMV.

What To Expect


How long does it take to get a driver’s license in a new state?

State transportation department
Requirements for updating driver’s license
Department of Transportation
Office of Driver Services
30 days
Department of Motor Vehicles
10 days
Division of Motor Vehicles
30 days

How long does it take to get a TLC license in New York?


New York City is one of the best places to work as a taxi, rideshare, or limousine driver. But before you can work in the city, you have to have a TLC license. But what is a Taxi & Limousine Commission License? Find out below.

In plain terms, a Taxi & Limousine Commission (TLC) license is the certification that taxi, rideshare, and limousine drivers need to operate legally in New York City. A TLC license covers medallion taxis, green taxis, livery cars, black cars, and luxury limousines. You can work legally in other cities and states without a TLC, but if you plan on becoming a TLC rental NYC driver, you’ll need a license first.

The application process for a TLC license in New York is relatively straightforward. First, you’ll have to pay an application fee and submit your information online. You’ll also be responsible for passing a drug test and a fingerprint-enabled background check. The TLC will check your driving record; if you acquired more than 5 points on your driver’s license in the past 15 months, the TLC will automatically reject your application. Education is also required; you’ll have to prove you’ve completed a DMV defensive driving course. You’ll also have to provide medical records that show you’re physically fit to work.

Once you complete and submit your application for a TLC license, you’ll have 90 days to complete and provide the required documentation. You’ll have to sign up for a drug test, have your fingerprints taken for a background check, and complete the required education courses. The official has resources to help you complete these tests.

The duration of the application process varies from person to person and depends on how quickly you pass the necessary checks and tests. The TLC will review your application within 1 day of submission. If your application has errors or you fail specific tests, it will notify you about the status of your application. If your application is accepted, the TLC will send your license in the mail, which takes about 10 days.

The TLC license does not last as long as your regular driver’s license. New York City law requires you to renew your TLC license every 3 years, which means another round of drug testing, background checks, and further education courses.

Now you know what a Taxi & Limousine Commission License is and what you need to apply for, how long it takes, and how often you have to get it renewed. As soon as you get your TLC license, you can start working in New York City.


How long do I have to wait to get my license after my permit in NY?


New York State has a graduated license law that results in two different types of licenses: Junior Driver’s Licenses and Senior Driver’s Licenses. Junior licenses are for new drivers who are under the age of 18. Senior licenses are for drivers who are 18 years or older, who have completed all necessary licensing requirements.

Before you can even think about getting a junior driver’s license, you must first obtain your junior learner’s permit. You must be at least 16 years old to apply for a learner’s permit. You will also need to pass a test at the DMV.

Once you have your learner’s permit, there will be numerous restrictions you need to follow, such as:

  • During your learning period, you may need to complete a set number of driving hours.
  • You will also need to complete a pre-licensing course and prepare for a road test.
  • You can also hire a driving instructor to provide supervised driver training.

After the 6-month waiting period, you can apply for your junior driver’s license. You will need to pass a road test at this time as well. After passing the road test, you must pay the appropriate fees and then you will have your new junior license.

Junior licenses still have restricted driving hours of 5 a.m. to 9 p.m. with an exception if the driver is working or attending a school function. After 9 p.m., the driver can drive from work or school and directly home.

Junior drivers are not allowed to have more than one passenger in the vehicle with them unless there is adult supervision. In addition, if a junior driver has a traffic violation, their permit or license can be suspended for a period of 60 days or longer.

Once the license is reinstated, the driver must complete another 6-month probationary period before their license is reinstated. Parents can also revoke driving privileges in New York for a junior driver if they withdraw their consent.

Once you turn 18, you will automatically be upgraded to a senior driver’s license provided you have completed all the necessary requirements for driving in New York.

New York does allow 17-year-old drivers to apply for a senior license if they have completed a state-approved driver education course. You must apply for the senior license at the DMV by presenting your course completion certificate in person.

You can complete an Internet Point Insurance Reduction Program (IPIRP) to have points “forgiven.” Any forgiven points will remain on your driving record but do not count toward accumulated point totals for penalty or license suspension. Additionally, you could qualify for an insurance discount of 10% for three years.

To find out more about the IPIRP or to enroll, please feel free to sign up at Ticket School today! You may also call us at (800) 558-9887 if you need assistance or have further questions about our state-approved driving courses.


How long does it take to beat dark souls iii?

How Long does it take to Beat Dark Souls III?

Is Dark Souls 3 the shortest Souls game?

DS3 is probably the shortest and it is very linear too, but you shouldn’t play it first. Play in trilogy order for best results.

Is Dark Souls 3 one of the hardest game ever?


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Ever since its release in 2011, Dark Souls has been viewed as a benchmark in gaming difficulty spawning a trilogy held by many to be one of gaming’s finest. Like many successful franchises, the game also inspired a bunch of other games from different developers, originating the Souls-Like genre.

Nowadays, Souls-like is the term used for games that have a slower approach to exploration and a stamina bar to keep the players frequently managing their resources. The difficulty is also one of the big staples of the genre. Some games are significantly more difficult than others, though.

Updated on April 1, 2024, by Mohamed El Ouardighi: If you’re new to challenging games and you’re thinking about diving into some in 2024, this update has got you covered.

Elden Ring may be one of the most popular FromSoft games, having been a massive success. And while, yes, it is difficult, it’s quite possibly the easiest of the soulsborne games. Though it’s not due to difficulty, Elden Ring just makes it easier to become overpowered thanks to its open-world design.

Sure, every Dark Souls title is open-world. But none of them have the same degree of exploratory freedom as Elden Ring. They have a generally accepted linear path, with not much else to do beyond that path. In the Lands Between, you can lose hours upon hours simply exploring the other areas, not to mention all of the mini-dungeons, optional bosses, and secret zones to uncover. Before you know it, you’re several levels stronger and far more well-equipped to fight the boss you struggled with.

Code Vein is not as hard as your average Souls-like game. Although it might be harder than your typical action-adventure blockbuster, it will not be as painful and slow to get into as other games might be. Well, at least until you reach a boss battle. This game has some very unforgiving and punishing bosses.

Code Vein can be played cooperatively, and this mechanic might be the best way to get through some bosses. Unfortunately, playing cooperatively out of boss battles might completely trivialize some challenges. Nonetheless, it is a fun game and a great entry point to the genre.

A Souls-like with several twists, Nioh is considered by many the spiritual successor of Onimusha. The game has your typical slower approach and a Ki bar that works like the Stamina in your standard souls-like game. However, it does have unique mechanics that accompany it.

There are different postures that the main character can use to change the way he attacks. Also, timing your strikes, posture defenses, and other commands might make you instantly recover part of the ki spent. This makes the combat engaging and fun but can also make it easier when the mechanic is mastered.

If you’re looking for a challenge, they can look for the hardest tw.


How long is Dark Souls 3 full gameplay?


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Dark Souls is an established and influential property within the gaming industry. People from all over the world have come to know about FromSoftware through this franchise, and the series is regularly used as a reference point for comparisons to other titles. It also cemented a new genre, Soulslikes, that is defined by its fair but punishing difficulty and sprawling deep lore. As such, Dark Souls is essentially a household name.

Fans can sink countless hours into learning the Dark Souls maps and stories, with many exploring the wide variety of different build options they can choose from. In February 2022, FromSoftware released Elden Ring, which is something of a spiritual successor to Dark Souls. The open-world RPG received universal acclaim and became the developer’s most popular release to date (even after the successful debut of Armored Core 6), and a return to this universe is pending as an expansion is due to launch in June 2024. While Elden Ring is, once again, the talk of the town, some people might find themselves wishing to revisit FromSoftware’s Dark Souls trilogy, or even play them for the first time.

How long are the Dark Souls games?

Related Dark Souls players might feel prepared to tackle Elden Ring, but some strategies are actually lethal in the new Souls-like game.

Updated March 13, 2024 by Mark Sammut: After more than two years, Elden Ring’s expansion finally has a release date, with FromSoftware confirming that Shadow of the Erdtree will launch on June 21, 2024. While the wait has been excruciating, the developer’s track record for expansions is fantastic, and the upcoming addition could prove to be FromSoftware’s greatest masterpiece yet. If someone is looking to pass the time until then, they might wish to revisit a few of the Dark Souls games, although they are time-sinks.

Game/DLC Main Story Completionist
Dark Souls 42 Hours 105 Hours
Artorias of the Abyss (DLC) 6 Hours 8 Hours
Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition 47 Hours 109 Hours
Dark Souls: Remastered 29.5 Hours 72 Hours

Dark Souls was a follow-up to the cult-classic Demon’s Souls, and its wider availability helped it bring the genre to a larger audience. The first Dark Souls largely established the foundation that the following two games would build on, including the use of an interlinked world, PvP invasions, and a world that manages to find beauty in desolation and despair. The game’s 40+ hours see players exploring an expansive map while taking on a plethora of challenging enemies (and bosses), all the while gradually uncovering lore through item descriptions. However, the estimate does not account for how easily players learn the game’s combat mechanics, as well as how many of Dark Souls’ shortcuts and secrets they discover.

Related Dark Souls is a difficult game, especially when using bad equipment, so using a good shield is absolutely vital to staying alive.

The completionist time.


Which Souls game takes the longest to beat?


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It’s hard to believe that FromSoftware has been around since 1986. Initially created to develop software for businesses, the company pivoted to creating video games and launched its first title – King’s Field – a decade later in 1996. FromSoftware was incredibly busy for the next decade as it worked on titles like Armored Core and other action-based RPGs, until everything changed with the launch of Demon’s Souls in 2009.

Related Here are the best optional bosses in FromSoftware video games!

As the very first game in the Soulsborne genre, Demon’s Souls introduced many essential elements still utilized in modern titles like Elden Ring. High difficulty, vague storytelling, and themes of sorrow and despair are present in all these titles. Whether you’ve conquered every game in the series before or want to hop in for the first time, beating every Soulsborne game is a brave endeavor that will require lots of stamina and a fully upgraded Estus Flask.

From Demon’s Souls to Elden Ring, every Soulsborne game has multiple variables that can affect how much time you put into your playthrough. Between the amount of exploration you want to do and how frequently you perish against monstrous bosses, playtimes will certainly vary depending on how you approach situations and how familiar you are with the genre.

Soulsborne Game How Long To Beat (Main Story) How Long To 100% Complete
Demon’s Souls (PS5 Version) 24 Hours 60 Hours
Dark Souls (Remastered) 30 Hours 69 Hours
Dark Souls 2 43 Hours 119 Hours
Bloodborne 33 Hours 76 Hours
Dark Souls 3 32 Hours 100 Hours
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice 30 Hours 70 Hours
Elden Ring 59 Hours 133 Hours

TOTAL: 251 Hours / 627 Hours

Since Dark Souls, it’s become pretty standard for FromSoftware to develop DLC for its games that typically launch a year or two after release. These expansions often offer new worlds to explore that contain more weapons to discover, bosses to defeat, and lore to unravel.

Soulsborne DLC How Long To Beat (Main Story) How Long To 100% Complete
Dark Souls: Artorias of the Abyss 6 Hours 8 Hours
Dark Souls 2: Crown of the Sunken King 5 Hours 7 Hours
Dark Souls 2: Crown of the Old Iron King 5 Hours 8 Hours
Dark Souls 2: Crown of the Ivory King 5 Hours 9 Hours
Bloodborne: The Old Hunters 8 Hours 11 Hours
Dark Souls 3: Ashes of Ariandel 4 Hours 7 Hours
Dark Souls 3: The Ringed City 7 Hours 11 Hours
Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree 24 Hours 48 Hours

TOTAL: 64 Hours / 109 Hours

If you want to play through every Soulsborne game and DLC without spending a bunch of time exploring or searching for new items, it should take you approximately 315 hours. For this kind of playthrough, you’ll likely lock onto a build fairly early and mostly stick to it throughout the entire adventure. As mentioned before, other elements like how often you die or get lost can heavily affect your total playtime.

If you’re someone who likes to take their time and enjoys exploring everything a game has to offer, completing every Soulsborne game.


Why is Witcher 3 Wild Hunt so good?


After 7 years of wondrous exploration, riveting combat and enthralling stories, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt still stands today as one of the most expansive open world RPG’s in gaming history. Having recently added the next gen patch on December 14th, 2022, you can now experience Wild Hunt in the most optimised and enhanced way. In terms of visuals, the update includes ray traced lighting, 4K resolution, and totally new textures. CDPR have also included gameplay enhancements including an over the shoulder mode to bring you closer to the action, as well as a more streamlined control system and a much welcomed and long requested photo mode. For players who have already traversed The Continent, it’s a great reason to jump in again. For those who are playing for the first time… Well, are you in for a treat.

That said, The Witcher 3 showed its greatness long before any such upgrades were made. Today we look at what made Wild Hunt such a memorable experience.

Despite spawning three games, a TV series and a game of cards, we must remember that the gift of The Witcher was bestowed to us by Polish Fantasy writer Andrzej Sapkowski. Originating as a short story submitted in a competition, the Witcher’s popularity developed into 5 novels released in the 1990’s as well as an origin story released in 2013. Sapkowski’s novels are inspired by Slavic mythology and received critical acclaim, particularly in Central and Eastern Europe. The Witcher novels established many of the characters that appear in The Witcher game series, although there has been a significant deviation in terms of the lore that Sapkowski originally created. Whilst he acknowledges that the games are a high quality product, he does express his frustrations that the medium does not tell stories with the same breadth and detail that his books can.

In any case, The Witcher novels bring everything you could want in a fantasy novel and copious inspiration for an immersive gaming experience. Battles, love stories and themes of politics are woven throughout. This phenomenal source material laid the foundation for the games that followed. At the very least, you should check out the novels for a deeper insight into your favourite characters and learn about the lore of The Continent.

Check out The Witcher novels. The Continent is beautiful. In the opening sequence the player is treated to a stunning vista of Kaer Morhen’s mountain pass, with incredible lighting and a unique and colourful art style. From the rolling hills of White Orchard, to the steaming swamps of Velen and the towering magnificence of Novigrad, The Witcher 3 is an aesthetic experience like no other. Each area of the game is unique in mood as well as style. The desolate, war torn Velen carries a theme of despair and oppression whilst Oxenfurt is full of promise and optimism. You’ll find yourself in awe at every detail.

The fully open world is not only beautiful, but lived in. Every location has its own unique identity in the form.


How many hours does it take to complete The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt?


In The Witcher 3 an ancient evil stirs, awakening. An evil that sows terror and abducts the young. An evil whose name is spoken only in whispers: the Wild Hunt. Led by four wraith commanders, this ravenous band of phantoms is the ultimate predator and has been for centuries. Its quarry: humans.

How long is The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt? When focusing on the main objectives, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is about 51½ Hours in length. If you’re a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 174 Hours to obtain 100% completion.

Platforms: Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S
Genres: Third-Person, Action, Open World, Role-Playing
Developer: CD Projekt RED
Publishers: CD Projekt, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment
Release Dates:
  • NA: May 19th, 2015
  • EU: May 19th, 2015
  • JP: May 19th, 2015
Updated: 47 Mins Ago
Alias: The Witcher III: Wild Hunt


Is The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt like Skyrim?


The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is not a bad game. Bethesda Game Studios created a wonderful open-world game focused on exploration and imagination. Skyrim embodies some of the greatest qualities of video games: without cutscenes and initial boundaries, Skyrim is one of the most interactive games in the world.

Four years after Skyrim’s release, CD Projekt released their third Witcher game. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is great in so many ways — both small and big — that it’s a better overall game than Skyrim. Of course, this doesn’t apply to all gamers. Though similar, Skyrim and The Witcher 3 are very different experiences, and players will feel differently about the games depending on their preferences and playstyles. However, The Witcher 3 has enough superior mechanics that the game is a smoother and more rewarding experience for most players.

Updated May 31, 2022: Despite the fact that it’s been years since both of these games came out, die-hard fans are still debating which is better. These are our best arguments for why The Witcher 3 should come out on top.

Skyrim is well-known as one of the most open-ended games in the world, but Witcher 3 actually offers a similar number of choices. Players can choose to be good, evil, or anywhere in between in both games. Every conversation includes multiple dialogue branches, allowing players to shape their character’s personality through words and actions.

The big difference between Skyrim and Witcher 3 is that gamers see their character’s reactions in Witcher 3. This produces much more dynamic, authentic interactions in which two characters react to each other. The player character never moves in Skyrim, and NPCs act like they’re talking to a wall that expresses itself through emojis. In Witcher 3, characters build conversations together, creating realistic scenarios and powerful relationships.

Companions often use torches in Skyrim, but there’s no reason for players to use any sort of light. Even on cloud-covered nights and in dark dungeons, Skyrim is always bright enough for players to see where they’re going. Since Skyrim has torches and bright spells, Bethesda should have included areas of complete darkness. Beautiful areas would have been harder to see, but darkness would have made exploration and combat much more exciting. Plus, torches wouldn’t look as ridiculous and useless as they currently do.

Witcher 3, on the other hand, fully incorporates darkness. Players can’t see far in dark landscapes, and they can’t see anything in unlit buildings. The lighting is not only realistic but immersive, making creepy places like haunted houses and deep caves even creepier.

While health always regenerates in Skyrim, players have options in Witcher 3. Hard and Very Hard provides a great challenge for players who want it. It’s also realistic: after all, one wouldn’t expect someone to regenerate health after taking a sword to the face. If you want to play on Easy or Normal, though, we won’t judge.


Can I play The Witcher 3 without playing 1 or 2?


I want to play this one because I am in a place in my life where I believe I will have some time. The thing is, I never played the first two. Do I need to? Or is there an easy way to catch up on the lore? Thanks Duders.

9 years ago

If you’re that interested, read the wiki for a bit. Namely the entries on Geralt, Ciri and The Wild Hunt. The Witcher 2 is a really good game though, worth playing through.

9 years ago

From what I’ve gathered, the books are actually more important lore wise than the games. Basically the crux of this game’s story revolve around characters that have only been in the books. If you’ve got the time and the means I recommend them, they’re worth reading. The first two books are basically a collection of short stories, so they’re pretty easy to jump into with minimal commitment. (Unlike the later books, which are part of an ongoing saga.)

9 years ago

Reviews: 76
User Lists: 11

I bet it’ll be like most other game series: you may miss some callbacks and references, but the core story will likely be enjoyable regardless of your prior knowledge. Since this is a rather big release on consoles, I could see them spending a bit more time recapping the important bits.

9 years ago

CDPR have specifically said they want this to be newcomer friendly. Besides, the other two games are pretty independent of each other, this one probably is too. The Witcher 2 isn’t a long game as far as RPG’s go, if you’re really worried you could play it.

9 years ago

Characters carry over but they are pretty great standalone stories that don’t require the other games. Also, they are both vastly different games in terms of gameplay. I prefer 2 with its combat but 1 still has a fantastic writing and characters (plus I really dug the multiple stance stuff in the combat). 3 will probably be a great entry point for the series either way you slice it if you want to jump into it there.

9 anos atrás

You should be able to jump into The Witcher 3 without knowing or playing through the other games. It would help, of course, but they are trying to make these games which can be played by people new to the series. That said if you want to go in with some semblance of understanding, there exist a few resources online to do so. If you like reading, then wikis are your best bet. If you’d rather watch a video though? There is about a 30ish minute 2 part series on youtube by entitled “The Witcher Retrospective – Part 1” or Part 2. (Still unclear if I can leave links in these forums so that’s the best I’ve got)

If you’ve the time/interest those are quite good at recapping everything. Being so they are, of course, 100% spoilers, covering pretty much every major plot point possible (yes, even the alternative choices). I know I used it as a good “refresh my memory for what happen”. If you really would rather not play, but want to know what happen in the last games, that’s the best done/produced thing I found when seeking out a similar thing myself.

9 years ago

I read some of those b.


How long does it take to build muscle?

How Long does it take to Build Muscle?

How long does it take to build noticeable muscle?


When you’ve got your eye on a big fitness goal, you want to know every nitty-gritty detail that can help you get there, fast. If your goal is to eat more protein, you’re not just curious about how much protein to eat, but what types to eat and when to eat it. If you want to get stronger, you’re not just curious about the best exercises to try but also: How long does it take to build muscle?

To quell your curiosity on the muscle-building front, we spoke with four experts—a Peloton instructor, a sports medicine specialist, and two exercise physiologists—to get all the details. Ahead, learn how long it takes to build muscle, how long it typically takes for muscle growth to become visible, and more.

First, a little anatomy refresher: Every muscle in your body contains proteins that form the muscle fibers that power your movements. The protein you eat gets turned into the type of protein your body can use to build muscle in a process called muscle protein synthesis.

Your body’s in a constant dance of breaking down your muscles and building them back up: Every time you work out, that exercise breaks down your muscle fibers a little. When your muscles repair themselves, those fibers build back stronger and bigger.

And that’s really the point of strength training: When you’re used to lifting 10 pounds and then ask your body to lift 15, you send a little signal to your body that it needs to get stronger. And it listens: It adapts over time to be able to handle the increased load as long as you keep sending the signal.

Simultaneously, whenever you eat protein, your body shuttles some to the muscles that need repair. “Adequate protein promotes the remodeling of our muscle tissue,” says a certified exercise physiologist and founder and CEO of Discover Strength in Minneapolis.

Even though you don’t see any major changes right away, you’re building muscle with every workout, and muscle protein synthesis is constantly happening. But “it takes weeks for the compounding change to be visible to the naked eye.”

The experts we spoke with estimate that could be anywhere from four to 12 weeks, depending on various factors. Visible changes can be noticeable earlier in people who are newer to strength training. That was the case for a Peloton instructor when he finished his career as a soccer player. Once training for soccer was no longer his top priority, his strength workouts changed, and he quickly noticed new muscle growth in his chest, back, arms, and shoulders.

“My body was building bigger muscles to adjust to my workouts, which were shorter but with heavier weights,” he says.

Besides your previous fit.


How do I know if I am gaining muscle?

You can tell by checking for increased strength, firmness, or definition in muscles, and tracking body measurements. Muscle gain often feels firmer and more toned, while water retention and fat gain feel softer and may show up as bloating or general weight increase without added strength.

What is the 6 12 25 rule?


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All gym routines have an element of predictability about them, so when a fresh way of lifting weights—like the 6-12-25 workout—sweeps through social media, there is always a temptation to try it, if only for the change of pace.

Given the 6-12-25 workout is currently surging through the internet, we figured it would be a good idea to ask an independent expert who knows his weights the big questions. What it is? And is it any good?

Oliver Kerr trains people who want to become trainers in his role as a manager for Your Personal Training and, happily, he is a fan of the approach. “I’ve seen it a lot in the press recently, and you have things that come in and out of fashion. It’s a variation of the drop-set [when you quickly follow lifting a very heavy weight with a much lighter one]. It’s very effective.”

The numbers 6-12-25 represent the number of repetitions in each set, so the method is six reps followed by 12 reps followed by 25. Crucially, the number of reps should also affect the weight, so six reps is a weight you can just about lift six times, rep number six should feel barely achievable, and so on. The method starts with a very heavy weight, moves to a lighter weight, and then a much lighter weight again. Kerr explains this approach is more complex than a traditional drop set in which you reduce the weight but perform the same exercise, and it also involves switching the exercise and the weight.

“With each of the exercises, you want to target the same muscle group—so if you’re training chest, for example, for the six-rep exercise, you would tend to do a big compound move like a bench press. For the 12 reps, you would do an accessory exercise, a move that complements the initial compound, like a press up, and for the 25-rep set, something that isolates a muscle group like a dumbbell incline chest fly.” (On a bench set at an angle, moving weights out to the side and back together – like flapping wings.)

By performing three sets in succession, you are fatiguing the muscle. Kerr says if you manage to match the right weight to each set, the method is “very brutal.” Selecting the right exercises and the right weights is somewhat tricky, so the 6-12-25 may not be the right approach for a gym beginner – knowing just how much you can lift on a 25-rep set is easier if you’ve been spending time in the gym for a while.

Speed is part of the magic. The system was invented by strength guru Charles Poliquin and is intended to be quick and something of a shock to the system. “With a drop set system like this, you don’t tend to rest between exercises. Because you’re not doing the same movement, there will be a short pause between sets where you are changing from one position to another, so a 10-15 second rest.”

Once you have completed the three sets, though, you will need a two-to-three-minute break. “You are doing close to 50 reps hitting the same muscle.


What makes muscles grow faster?


If you’ve been working out hoping to build muscle, you know it’s a process that doesn’t happen overnight. But what if you’ve been putting in the work and aren’t seeing the results you hoped for? There’s more to building muscle than simply exercising more and lifting weights. Your workouts need to be efficient and target the muscles you’re trying to grow. You should also supplement your training with a high-calorie diet and lots of protein. Even your sleep patterns and cardio workouts can affect how efficiently you build muscle.

If you’re not gaining muscle as quickly as you’d like, your routine might be missing something. Here are some tips that will help you to build muscle faster.

Some exercises only focus on specific muscles in your body. While these have their place in your workout routine, you want to spend more time on exercises that work multiple muscles at the same time. Compound exercises like squats, deadlifts, presses, and pull-ups will help you gain muscle more efficiently and increase your strength. You’ll also maximize your time in the gym by working several muscles at a time. Make compound exercises the core of your workout, and add some isolation training when you can.

A higher-intensity workout is more beneficial for muscle growth than a low-intensity workout, even if you’re not training as long. Continue to push yourself and add more weight if you’re easily doing more than 10 reps at a time. Make sure you’re always using proper form and rotating your exercises instead of doing the same ones. As your workout becomes easier, continue to push yourself and keep your workouts intense. You won’t build muscle if you don’t keep challenging yourself.

To build muscle, you need to eat more than you would if you were only doing light exercise. Your body needs the energy to become stronger. Calculate how many calories you need to eat in a day for the amount of exercise you’re doing. You should also increase how much protein you’re eating. Aim for one gram per pound of body weight per day. Eat healthy meals, but eat a lot if you want to boost your muscle gains.

Your recovery time is almost as important as the time you spend at the gym. If you want to build muscle faster, you need to get plenty of sleep each night. Eight hours is ideal, but even if that’s not realistic, set a goal of going to bed a bit earlier. Also, don’t overdo it with your workouts. If you’re overworking your muscles without letting them rest, you won’t get the results you want.

There are several supplements that can help you to build muscle quickly. Creatine supplements are one popular option. Creatine is naturally found in muscle cells and helps improve energy levels. While they don’t directly help your muscles grow, they can help increase your strength and power. This allows you to take on more intense workouts and ultimately build muscle quickly.

HMB is another natural compound that can boost your muscle building. It promotes muscle growth, helps with recovery, and prevents mus.


How quickly can a female gain muscle?

With consistent training and proper nutrition, noticeable muscle gains can typically be observed within 4 to 8 weeks, with more significant changes appearing over several months. Regular testing through measurements, strength assessments, and body composition analysis can help you track your progress effectively.

What is the easiest muscle to build for a woman?

The easiest muscles to strengthen are those that are used frequently, such as the chest, back, and abs. These muscles are easy to access and use relatively few muscle fibers.

How can a woman build muscle fast?

The best workout to gain muscle mass typically involves a combination of compound exercises such as squats, deadlifts, bench presses, and rows, along with progressive overload, adequate rest, and a balanced diet rich in protein.

How long does it take to see noticeable muscle gain?


Improving strength and building muscle is a common goal for many people looking to lead healthier lives. Whether you are just starting your fitness journey or are a seasoned gym-goer, understanding how long it takes to build and lose muscle can help you set realistic goals and expectations and stay motivated.

The time it takes to see and feel noticeable differences in muscle strength and size depends on several factors, including:

  • Genetics: Your genetics play a role in determining the rate at which you build muscle. Some people may see results faster than others, while others may have a slower pace of muscle growth.
  • Age: As you age, it becomes more challenging to build muscle. After age 30, muscle mass naturally declines, making it harder to gain power and strength.
  • Diet: A diet rich in protein and calorie-dense is essential for building muscle. If you are not consuming enough calories or protein, your body will struggle to build muscle.
  • Type of Training: The type of strengthening program you engage in can also impact the speed of muscle growth. Resistance training programs that target specific muscle groups, such as weightlifting or bodyweight exercises, are more effective for building muscle than cardio-based programs.
  • Exercise Frequency: The frequency of your exercise sessions will vary based on the goals of your program. However, a common rule of thumb is to engage in resistance training at least two to three times per week.
  • Sleep: Sleep is critical for muscle growth. When you sleep, your body repairs and regenerates muscle tissue, making it essential to get enough restful sleep each night.

Building muscle takes time and consistency, so if you are flexing in front of the mirror daily, wondering what’s going on, just be patient. On average, most people expect noticeable muscle growth within four to six months of starting a strength training program. However, the exact timeline for building muscle can vary significantly depending on the factors highlighted above. Here’s what you can expect:

Infelizmente, perder músculo acontece a um ritmo muito mais rápido. A atrofia muscular é a perda de massa muscular e força que pode ocorrer devido a várias razões. Perder força pode ser um problema significativo para pessoas que estão feridas, foram diagnosticadas com uma condição crônica de saúde ou têm empregos fisicamente exigentes.

The timeline for losing muscle strength can vary dependendo de vários fatores, como a causa da atrofia muscular ou a idade do indivíduo. Aqui está o que você pode esperar quando parar seu programa:

Se você foi ferido ou diagnosticado com uma condição crônica de saúde, um programa de exercícios é essencial para permanecer forte e manter a independência. A fisioterapia é uma parte integral do processo de recuperação para muitos indivíduos. No entanto, o trabalho não termina uma vez que você é dispensado da fisioterapia. Para se recuperar totalmente e manter seus ganhos, é crucial continuar seu programa de exercícios em casa para:

É importante lembrar que seu fisioterapeuta…


How long does it take to walk 10000 steps?

How Long does it take to Walk 10000 Steps?

How many steps are in 60 minutes of walking?


Most health organizations recommend walking at least 30 minutes per day, but you can get significant health benefits from walking more than that. If your goal is 10,000 steps, you’ll almost certainly want to exceed this recommendation. Getting the recommended amount of walking can reduce your risk of serious health conditions, including heart disease, diabetes and sudden death. Your daily step goal should depend on your job, fitness level, time and other factors. It’s fine for your goal to be set in steps or time – 10k steps or 60 minutes of walking both work well.

We’ll cover the minimum recommended daily walking level – 30 minutes or around 3,500 steps of dedicated walking, plus what you can gain from 60 minutes or a target of 10,000 steps daily.

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Almost every major health organization recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity (like brisk walking) per week. That breaks down to 30 minutes a day, at least 5 days a week. This includes the US National Institutes of Health and Dept. of Health and Human Services, UK National Health Service, and the World Health Organization. While getting more active has additional benefits, 30 minutes per day should be your starting point.

Your steps per mile depend on your height and stride length. At a brisk 3 mph walking speed (4.8 km/h), a 6’0″ person would get about 2,000 steps per mile while a 5’0″ person would get about 2,500 steps per mile. That’s anywhere between 3,000 and 3,750 steps for that 30 minute walk. You can estimate about 3,300-3,500 steps as a good proxy for 30 minutes walking.

Make sure to note that that assumes that you literally take no extra steps during your daily routine. In reality, most people take several thousand steps just going about their daily lives even if they don’t exercise. The average American gets about 5,000 steps per day, and most don’t take 30 minutes to go on a walk. 30 minutes of walking can get you up to 8,000 steps or more per day, especially if you have an active job.

There are some benefits to ensuring that your walks last at least 10 minutes. This allows you to properly warm up and cool down, plus get your heart rate up before the end of your walk. Some health organizations, including the NHS and WHO, recommend that your moderate-intensity exercise consist of at least 10 minutes of walking each time. That said, even 5-minute walks add up over time, and frequent short walks can help to undo the health damage of prolonged sitting. If you’re able to walk, even for 5 minutes, take the opportunity!

Walking is one of the most beneficial activities you can do. Benefits of walking 30 minutes a day include, according to the WHO, lower risks of heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and certain types of cancers among other things. Walking also benefits your mood and mental health, which means that your daily walks will help you feel great too.


Can you lose weight walking 10,000 steps a day?

Walking 10000 steps a day can help burn approximately 3500 to 5000 calories per week, which is roughly equivalent to 1 to 1.5 pounds of weight loss, depending on factors like your weight, pace, and terrain.

How long does it normally take to walk 10k steps?


IF YOU STILL think walking as exercise is only for the frail or lazy, you’re missing what could be a key factor in leveling up your fitness plan. Getting more focused steps into your routine is healthy for your heart, helps you maintain a healthy body weight, and is associated with decreased stress. That said, achieving the popular goal of 10,000 steps—especially in addition to other fitness activities—can be time-consuming.

On average, most people will spend 70 to 100 minutes accumulating 10,000 steps. Below, we’ll explain how we came up with that range, strategies to organically increase your step count, and the benefits of walking for the step-curious. There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. How long it takes someone to walk 10,000 steps primarily depends on their height (which affects their stride length) and pace. Even so, we can assume that 10,000 steps is approximately equal to five miles—again, this isn’t true for everyone, but it’s a safe estimate.

You’ll also have to factor in where you’re walking—if you have to stop at crosswalks, for instance. To make this estimate, it’s easiest to approach this with the assumption that you’ll be taking on every step without pausing. Using this mileage as a base, we can examine how different paces affect walking speed.

According to Michele Stanten, a walking coach, a leisurely pace for most people is around three miles per hour, with more intense walking at four miles per hour. Using those benchmarks, here’s how long it should take you to walk five miles (about 10,000 steps):

The lore of the 10,000-step benchmark isn’t concrete, but according to reporting from Women’s Health, it stems from the 1964 marketing campaign of a Japanese-made step counter called Manpo-Kei. Translated to English, “Manpo” literally means “10,000 steps,” and it’s thought that number was chosen because the Japanese character for the number 10,000 resembles a person walking.

All that to say, the origin of the now-ubiquitous 10,000-step goal wasn’t born from health-focused research but marketing to sell pedometers. The number stuck, and it’s still used as a preset benchmark for nearly all step counters.

The long and short of it is this: More movement is associated with increased health markers, decreased all-cause mortality, and more calories burned. If you’re not active and establishing a goal like walking 10,000 steps will get you moving, that’s better than the alternative sedentary lifestyle.

According to a 2024 paper published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, any number of steps above 2,200 was associated with lower mortality and reduced risk of cardiovascular disease. Researchers found accumulating between 9,000 and 10,500 steps resulted in the lowest mortality risk.


How many steps is a 30 minute walk?

Remember: 1500 steps equals about 15 minutes of walking & 3000 steps equals about 30 minutes of walking.

How long does it take an average person to walk 10,000 steps?


Your fitness tracker probably tells you how many steps you take most days. And your device likely sets the goal of 10,000 steps a day or maybe that’s what you’ve entered as your daily step-count target. This number has become the popular goal for many people and for good reason: Moving more throughout the day is good for your body in numerous ways and it supports your mind, too.

In fact, every 1,000 steps a person takes each day lowers their systolic blood pressure (the top number) by about 0.45 points—that’s a good thing, especially for your heart! The more you move, the more likely you are to lower your risk of chronic illness, like cardiovascular disease, and support your mental health.

Now, if you’re wondering how long it takes to walk 10,000 steps so you actually meet this goal, we got you! Here, two exercise physiologists explain how long it typically takes to cover 10,000 steps, depending on your average pace, so you can carve out time for your body and mind to clock more movement.

For a person of average height (5-foot-3-inches for women and 5-foot-9-inches for men), a 2,000-step walk is about a mile. This step count varies depending on the length of someone’s leg and the length of their stride, as well as their cadence. However, say it takes you 2,000 steps to cover one mile, and you walk at an average pace of about 20 minutes per mile, then it would take you about 100 minutes to walk 10,000 steps. That’s one hour and 40 minutes.

Authors of a 2020 article published in Sustainability reviewed studies that examined walking habits in order to suggest ways to increase activity, and they came to a similar conclusion on timing. They found that healthy older adults typically average 100 steps per minute when moving at a moderate pace. This translates to about 100 minutes to clock 10,000 steps.

This will obviously change depending on your walking pace, though. If you walk a 15-minute mile, it’ll take you 75 minutes to cover 10,000 steps, and if you walk a 30-minute mile, it’ll take you 150 minutes (or 2.5 hours) to cover those 10,000 steps.

There are other factors that play into the time it takes, though, including age and fitness level, as well as the “walkability” of a given location. For example, walking up a rocky hill in a park will take longer than walking on an uncrowded street.

To help you figure out your 10,000 step time, you can also check out these average walking times for different age groups, according to research. Or look to your fitness tracker to find your average walking speed.

The numbers change, of course, if you run some of those 10,000 steps. Based on Strava, the average mile pace for American men is a 9:32 and 10:37 for American women.


Can I lose weight by walking 10,000 steps per day?

On average, walking 10000 steps burns around 300–500 calories per day. Assuming an average of 350 calories burned daily, you would burn around 10500 calories over the 30-day period. Since a pound of body weight is roughly equivalent to 3500 calories, this could potentially result in a weight loss of around 3 pounds.

How many steps are in a 30 minute walk?

Remember: 1500 steps equals about 15 minutes of walking & 3000 steps equals about 30 minutes of walking.

How long does it take to walk 10,000 steps on a walking pad?


Walking is a fundamental and accessible form of exercise and stands as a cornerstone of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. From cardiovascular health to mental clarity, the benefits of regular walking are diverse and well-documented. As a foundational activity, walking serves as a gateway to improved fitness, making it an essential component of any wellness routine.

In recent years, the notion of walking 10,000 steps per day has gained widespread recognition as a health benchmark. This goal is often attributed to the influence of pedometers and fitness trackers. As an easily measurable target, the 10,000-step goal provides individuals with a tangible objective to strive for, adherence to a more active and healthy lifestyle.

While traditional outdoor walking remains popular, the modern era has introduced alternative methods to achieve daily step goals, with treadmills emerging as a convenient and weather-independent option. Treadmills offer controlled environments, allowing individuals to customize their walking experience by adjusting speed, incline, and duration. Understanding the dynamics of walking on a treadmill is the key to optimizing the health benefits associated with this form of exercise.

In this exploration, we delve into the factors influencing the time it takes to walk 10,000 steps on a treadmill, providing insights into achieving optimal health outcomes through this adaptable fitness tool.

A tabela abaixo resume as velocidades de caminhada e o tempo necessário para atingir 10.000 passos:

Velocidade (mph) Tempo (minutos) Distância (milhas)
3 a 4 75 – 100 5
4 a 5.5 60 5

O típico ritmo de caminhada em uma esteira para fitness geral fica na faixa de 3 a 4 milhas por hora (4.8 a 6.4 km/h). Um ritmo de caminhada rápida, associado a mais benefícios cardiovasculares, varia de 4 a 5.5 milhas por hora (6.4 a 8.8 km/h). Começar e terminar em um ritmo mais lento, em torno de 2 a 3 milhas por hora (3.2 a 4.8 km/h), é recomendado para aquecimento e resfriamento.

Conseguir 10.000 passos em um dia está frequentemente associado a andar aproximadamente 5 milhas (cerca de 8 quilômetros). Para alcançar esse objetivo em um período razoável, uma velocidade constante de cerca de 3 a 4 milhas por hora (4.8 a 6.4 km/h) é recomendada. Geralmente, leva de 75 a 100 minutos para dar 10.000 passos a uma velocidade de cerca de 3 a 4 milhas por hora.

Indivíduos que buscam um treino de maior intensidade podem optar pela faixa de caminhada rápida de 4 a 5.5 milhas por hora (6.4 a 8.8 km/h) para alcançar 10.000 passos. Então, é possível dar 10.000 passos em uma hora.

Fórmulas para calcular passos por minuto:

  • Steps per Minute = Total Steps/Walking Time (in minutes)
  • Steps per Minute = 10,000/60 (se o tempo de caminhada for 60 minutos)
  • Steps per Minute with Breaks = Total Steps/[Walking Time + Break Time (in minutes)]
  • Steps per Minute = (3.0 miles/hour × 5280 feet/mile × 12 inches/foot)/10,000
  • Steps per Minute = (4.0 miles/hour x 5280 feet/mile x 12 inches/foot)/10,000
  • Steps per Minute for Varying Speeds = [Speed (in miles/hour) × 5280 feet/mile × 12 inches/foot]/10,000

Regular walking at a brisk pace can improve cardiovascular health by enhancing heart function and reducing the risk of heart diseases. Walking stimulates blood circulation, helping.


How long to see results from intermittent fasting?

How Long to See Results From Intermittent Fasting?

How long does it take to see results from 16 8 intermittent fasting?


Intermittent fasting is popular among health enthusiasts for helping with weight loss, fitness, inflammation, and longevity. Intermittent fasting, or IF, simply means cycling between periods of eating and periods of avoiding or limiting food. It’s essentially, time-based calorie restriction. You can practice this type of fasting in a variety of ways, such as the twice-a-week method (5:2), alternate-day fasting, or time-restricted eating. The focus of this article, 16/8 intermittent fasting, is a popular form of time-restricted eating where you have an 8-hour eating window followed by 16 hours of fasting every day. How long does it take for 16/8 intermittent fasting to work? Keep reading to find out.

Research on how long it takes for various types of intermittent fasting to work gives us some hints about what’s possible when following the 16/8 method: Every human body is unique. The answer to how long it takes for 16/8 intermittent fasting to work for you depends on many health and wellness factors, including your heart health, extra weight, genetics, hormonal fluctuations, and stress levels. These factors not only play a role in the diet’s impact, but they may also affect how willing and able you are to stick with it long enough to reap benefits.

When weight loss is your goal, how quickly it happens depends on your starting weight, body composition, metabolism, and how well you stick to the schedule. Therefore, most people might expect weight loss to start between a few weeks and a few months. That’s a pretty broad timeline, but it’s encouraging to note that certain metabolic functions can change within the first 24 hours of short-term fasting. For example, an 8-hour eating window can positively shift your ability to burn sugar and fat almost immediately, so sticking with it could yield the fat loss you’re seeking.

If, on the other hand, you’re experimenting with intermittent fasting to address irritable bowel syndrome, you might see symptom improvements in just seven to 10 days.

Here’s a chart showing what research says about the health benefits of different kinds of intermittent fasting and the period of time it often takes to see results:

Type of Intermittent Fasting Time to See Results
Short-term fasting Three months or less
Long-term fasting Longer than three months

The studies we looked at considered short-term fasting to be three months or less and long-term fasting to be longer than three months. The benefits of short-term intermittent fasting are promising for goals like:

  • Weight loss
  • Improved metabolic health

Long-term intermittent fasting can provide those same benefits and also enable the body to break down and get rid of dysfunctional cells through a process called autophagy. Autophagy also helps destroy bacteria, viruses, or other microorganisms that could cause infection. This process is a healthy part of cellular metabolism that can reduce inflammation and help prevent cancer, Type 2 diabetes, and degenerative diseases.

Instead of completely avoiding food for days like in a traditional fast, intermittent fasting is an eating plan in which you eat during short time periods called eating windows.


How much weight can you lose in a month on intermittent fasting?


As a new therapeutic strategy for managing weight loss in adults with overweight, obesity, and dysmetabolic diseases, it is no surprise that the 16:8 fasting method is the most commonly practiced. After much investigation and defining intermittent fasting as your weight loss strategy, you are now eager to learn how much weight you can expect to lose in a month. Rest assured, the prospects are promising, and we’re here to provide you with the details.

Research and trials on fasting provide a range of potential weight loss outcomes, providing a clear idea of what one can expect from one month of 16:8 fasting. According to a systematic review of 41 articles on intermittent fasting trials, fasting for one month can lead to a weight loss of 2.8 to 4.4 pounds (1.27 to 2.0 kg). The same review also examined weight loss during Ramadan, a period in which fasting typically lasts 14 hours each day for 30 days. Eight studies focused on weight loss in obese adults during Ramadan reported a monthly weight loss ranging from 0.22 to 3.97 pounds (0.1 to 1.8 kg). A separate 4-week study on overweight, older adults found a mean weight loss of 5.73 pounds (2.6 kg). A different 4-week study on obese female inpatients observed an average weight loss of 10.38 pounds (4.71 kg).

Ultimately, weight loss results can vary according to an individual’s health background, lifestyle habits, and adherence. Intermittent fasting study results suggest that a 16:8 fasting regimen can lead to a weight loss of 2.8 to 10.38 pounds in one month. Keep a close eye on your weight loss progress with Fastic during your fasting journey. The Fastic fasting app provides the essential tools to help you stay on track toward your goal weight. It allows you to log daily meals, count calories, and identify hidden health patterns that may impact your success.

The 16:8 fast alternates 16-hour fasting periods with 8-hour eating windows. Its straightforward methodology makes it simple to follow and integrate into an everyday routine. Science states that the practical length of a fast to attain noticeable results is 16 hours. Intermittent fasting allows flexibility because the eating window is yours to enjoy without worrying about food restrictions or how many calories to eat during a 16:8 fast. You can eat and drink whatever you please; however, during the fasting window you must only drink zero-calorie beverages to avoid breaking your fast.

Intermittent fasting offers numerous benefits for your body, both inside and out. Different from other weight loss methods, such as the keto diet that primarily targets physical changes, intermittent fasting promotes overall health improvement. Apart from healthy weight loss, the potential benefits of a 16:8 fast are:

  • regulate blood sugar levels
  • reduce harmful LDL cholesterol
  • prevent heart disease
  • promote good memory
  • reduce the risk of neurodegenerative diseases
  • help stabilize energy levels
  • promote cellular repair and longevity
  • enhance concentration and mental clarity

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Is 12-hour fasting as effective as 16?

Yes, 12 hours is generally considered to be enough for intermittent fasting, and is often referred to as the 12:12 fasting protocol. However, longer fasting periods of 16-18 hours or more may have additional benefits.

What is the fastest way to get results with intermittent fasting?

Tighten your eating window. Eat between 1–2 hours, which will make it one meal per day. If you want to speed it up further, dry fast throughout the day and then eat hydrating food and protein later in the day or evening. That’s the best daily routine for greatest results.

How much weight can I lose with 16 8 intermittent fasting in a week?


Weight loss options are everywhere, from herbal teas to intensive workout plans. But, what if there was a single method to lose weight and simultaneously improve your overall health? Unlike other weight loss approaches, intermittent fasting attributes its popularity to its effective results in a conveniently short time. Continue reading to learn how the 16:8 fast can help you lose weight in just one week.

During fasting, the body uses stored glycogen for energy. Once depleted, the body enters a state of ketosis, the process of converting stored fat into ketones for fuel. This metabolic shift uses fat as the main source of energy, promoting weight loss. While mild ketosis typically develops after 12 to 14 hours of fasting, a study on water-only fasting found that ketonemia, the presence of ketone bodies in the blood, became detectable after 21.1 hours without exercise and 17.5 hours with exercise. These findings suggest that longer fasting periods and physical activity can work synergistically to increase the concentration of ketone bodies in the blood.

With a 16:8 fasting protocol, you can expect to enter a state of ketosis within 12-14 hours. The longer your fasting period is, the more likely your body is to experience the benefits of ketosis. By maintaining a strict fasting regimen and complementing it with exercise, you may start to see noticeable weight loss results in one week.

Research on intermittent fasting shows that it can take anywhere from two to ten weeks to lose between 7 and 11 lbs (3 to 5kg). This means that, in a week, you can lose around 0.7 to 1.1 lbs (0.3 to 0.5 kg).

Another relevant aspect to consider is that while fasting, we tend to naturally diminish calorie intake because the eating window is usually shorter. Reducing your usual calorie intake by 500 calories can lead to a weekly weight loss of about 0.5 to 1 lb. If you fall into this, you can potentially experience weight loss results in one week from both the eating window and the fasting period.

On the other hand, even though entering a state of ketosis during fasting can contribute to weight loss, it does not necessarily mean you will see immediate or significant weight loss results right away. Water retention plays a major part in this. Fasting changes the body’s natural rhythms and daily routine, which causes it to feel stressed, especially during the first days. Research shows that elevated cortisol levels lead to increased water retention. In addition, the body can enter a weight loss plateau by adapting to a lower calorie intake and using stored energy more efficiently, stalling weight loss efforts.

Having said this, keep in mind that nobody reacts the same to fasting. Results vary according to an individual’s genetics, health background, lifestyle, and fasting plan chosen.

The 16:8 fast is a type of time-restricted eating (TRE) that consists of fasting for 16 hours and eating during an 8-hour window. Restricting food intake to 4 – 12 hours per day (without reducing.


How long does it take to lose 20 pounds with intermittent fasting?


Losing 20 pounds in 60 days can be achieved, depending on your starting weight—and intermittent fasting could be a very useful tool to help make that happen. “Fasting changes where your body gets its energy. Typically, your energy comes from sugar. If you eat constantly while awake and don’t exercise, your body simply runs on the calories you consume,” says UCLA Health. “If you don’t use all the sugar you take in during the day, your body stores it as fat. When you go hours without eating, your body eventually runs out of stored sugar to use. Instead, it begins to burn fat to produce energy.” Here’s how intermittent fasting can help with weight loss and overall health.

Your fasting window is how long you fast for, and your eating window is the time allotted for meals. “There are lots of options to choose from,” Mary Hyer, RD, LDN, CCRP, tells Mass General Brigham. “But in the scientific world, you have to go at least 12 hours for it to be considered a fast. You still have to make sure you’re picking healthy foods. But intermittent fasting is one tool that can kickstart a healthy lifestyle change.”

You might find it easier to ease into fasting by changing some other behaviors first. “If fasting sounds scary, try to avoid snacking between meals and especially late-night snacking,” Hyer says. “That can be an easy way to give yourself time for your blood sugar to recover between meals.”

Try not to take in any calories during your fasting period. “While there are no hard-and-fast rules regarding what you can consume during your unrestricted eating periods, experts agree that maintaining a healthy, well-rounded diet produces the best results,” says UCLA Health. “During fasting times, limit yourself to water and zero-calorie drinks.”

The shorter your eating window, the less you are likely to eat. “If you maintain your regular diet and then limit the time window during which you eat, it is likely that you will eat a few hundred fewer calories per day,” Richard Joseph, MD, tells Harvard Health. “If this is sustainable as a lifestyle, it could add up to modest weight loss (3% to 8% on average, based on current data) that can produce beneficial improvements in cardiometabolic markers such as blood pressure, LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels, and average blood sugar.”

You can lose lean muscle as well as fat with intermittent fasting, so make sure to support muscle growth through exercise. “Given the importance of lean muscle mass for revving your metabolic rate, regulating your blood sugar, and keeping you physically able overall, pairing resistance training with an intermittent fasting protocol is strongly advised,” Richard Joseph, MD, tells Harvard Health.

RELATED: I Lost 120 Pounds in a Year by Walking. Here’s How Many Steps You Need to Do to Lose.

Intermittent fasting can prevent mindless snacking, which causes weight gain. “Take a moment to think about your eating habits,” Melinda Go.


Can I lose 10 lbs in a week?

Losing ten pounds in one week is possible, but it’s not necessarily safe or healthy. You would need to drastically reduce your calorie intake and increase your exercise routine. It’s better to aim for a slow and steady weight loss over time, as this will be more sustainable and healthier for you in the long run.

Is it okay to fast 16 hours everyday?


Does When You Eat Matter? What you eat matters. Many studies have shown that the types of food you eat affect your health. But what about the timing? Scientists are just beginning to understand that when you eat may also make a difference.

Throughout history, people have experienced periods when food was either scarce or completely lacking. “So, they were forced to fast,” says an expert.

But current technology—like refrigeration, transportation, and electric lighting—have made food more readily available. “This has shifted our eating patterns,” explains another expert. “People now eat, on average, throughout a 14-hour period each day.”

Studies suggest that this constant food intake may lead to health problems. Researchers have started looking at whether fasting can have potential benefits for some people.

Fasting diets mainly focus on the timing of when you can eat. There are many different fasting diets, sometimes called “intermittent fasting.”

  • In time-restricted feeding, you eat every day but only during a limited number of hours. So, you may only eat between a six- to eight-hour window each day. For example, you might eat breakfast and lunch, but skip dinner.
  • In alternate-day fasting, you eat every other day and no or few calories on the days in between.
  • Another type restricts calories during the week but not on weekends.

But scientists don’t know much about what happens to your body when you fast. Most research has been done in cells and animals in the lab. That work has provided early clues as to how periods without food might affect the body.

In some animals, certain fasting diets seem to protect against diabetes, heart disease, and cognitive decline. Fasting has even slowed the aging process and protected against cancer in some experiments.

“In mice, we’ve seen that one of the effects of fasting is to kill damaged cells, and then turn on stem cells that have the potential to develop into many different cell types in the body,” explains the expert. Damaged cells can speed up aging and lead to cancer if they’re not destroyed. When stem cells are turned on, new healthy cells can replace the damaged cells.

Now, studies are starting to look at what happens in people, too. Early results have found that some types of fasting may have positive effects on aspects of health like blood sugar control, blood pressure, and inflammation. But fasting can also cause weight loss. So researchers are studying whether the beneficial changes seen in the body are side effects of the weight loss or the fasting process itself.

For many people, the main reason to try fasting is to lose weight. Currently, most people try to lose weight by rest.
