How Long Does It Take for Diaper Rash to Heal?

What heals a diaper rash fastest?


The best treatment for diaper rash is to keep your baby’s skin as clean and dry as possible. If the rash doesn’t go away with home treatment, your doctor or other health care professional might suggest:

A diaper rash might take several days to improve, depending on how severe it is. A rash may come back again and again. If a rash persists even with prescription products, your doctor or other health care professional may recommend that your baby see a specialist in skin conditions (dermatologist).

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Generally, a diaper rash can be treated successfully at home with these practices:

  • Apply cream, paste or ointment. After you’ve gently cleaned and dried the skin, apply a barrier cream, paste or ointment. If the product you applied at the previous diaper change is clean, leave it in place and add another layer on top of it. If you do want to remove it, try using mineral oil on a cotton ball.
  • Products with a high percentage of zinc oxide or petroleum jelly work well to protect the skin from moisture. Various diaper rash medicines are available without a prescription. Some popular products include A + D, Balmex, Desitin and Triple Paste. Ask your doctor or pharmacist to suggest a product.
  • After applying the diaper rash product, you could also apply petroleum jelly on top. This helps keep the diaper from sticking to the paste, ointment or cream.
  • If you’ve been using a product with every diaper change and it isn’t working, you may want to try an antifungal cream or ointment. An example is Lotrimin. Antifungal products should be applied twice a day. If the rash isn’t better in 5 to 7 days, take your child to the doctor.

As a general rule, stick with products designed for babies. Avoid items containing baking soda, boric acid, camphor, phenol, benzocaine, diphenhydramine or salicylates. These ingredients can be toxic for babies.

The following alternative treatments have worked for some people:

  • Human breast milk. Results are mixed on whether human breast milk applied to diaper rash is better than other treatments. One study showed that applying breast milk to diaper rash is an effective and safe treatment. Infants with diaper rash were treated with either 1% hydrocortisone ointment or breast milk.


How long should it take for a diaper rash to go away?


Everything you need to know to treat—and prevent—that dreaded diaper rash. If your child is in diapers, at some point you will probably deal with a diaper rash. At least half of all babies develop diaper rash. But while diaper rash is a common problem, there is plenty you can do to help your baby. With a few simple steps, you can soothe that skin, speed healing—and help prevent another rash in the future.

The two biggest causes are wetness and friction. Basically, urine and stool from the diaper can irritate your baby’s skin over time. Diapers can also chafe or rub against your baby’s bottom, creating friction. Changes in the pH of the skin from pee, poop or some skin products can cause rash. In addition, soaps can break down skin over time, just as they break down germs and dirt. And, rarely, babies can be allergic to a specific ingredient in a diaper, wipe or soap.

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While diaper rash can occur at any age, it is most common in babies 9 to 12 months old. It is also more likely to happen when your baby:

  • Has frequent bowel movements
  • Has a diet that includes more acidic foods
  • Is taking antibiotics or has been on antibiotics
  • Has had a recent illness, such as a cold or flu

A diaper rash can range from mild to severe. With a mild rash, you might see small pink or red spots or patches. In more severe cases, the spots will be brighter red, or the skin may be cracked, broken or blistered. The rash may spread down to the legs or up the abdomen, and your baby may be crying or in distress.

The sooner you start treating the rash, the better. Below are some time-tested tips to help that diaper rash disappear. These same tips can also help prevent future rashes, or at least make them less frequent and less severe.

Most mild diaper rashes can be treated at home. It might take a few weeks for the rash to completely go away. But it should start to improve after just a few days of following the above tips.

If your child’s rash is severe or does not improve after several days or gets worse, call your doctor. A fungal infection might be involved. Your child’s doctor might give you a fungal medicine or a mild steroid cream.

You should also call the doctor if your child:

  • Has a fever
  • Is fussier than usual
  • Seems to be in pain

Diaper rash is a normal part of babyhood, but your baby doesn’t have to suffer. Watch for rashes so you can treat them early. And if you have any concerns, call your doctor.


Why is my baby’s diaper rash not healing?


Diaper rash is a form of dermatitis that looks like patches of inflamed skin on the buttocks, thighs and genitals. It can be caused by wet or soiled diapers that aren’t changed often enough. Or it may be due to skin sensitivity and chafing. The condition is common in babies, though anyone who wears a diaper regularly can develop it. Diaper rash usually clears up with simple at-home care, such as air drying, more-frequent diaper changes, and using a barrier cream or ointment.

Illustration of diaper rash on different skin colors. Diaper rash can cause patches of inflamed skin on a baby’s bottom.

Symptoms of diaper rash include:

  • If the diaper rash hasn’t improved after a few days of home treatment, talk with your doctor or other health care professional.
  • You may need prescription medicine to treat diaper rash.
  • Or the rash may have another cause, such as seborrheic dermatitis, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis or nutritional deficiency.

Take your child to a doctor or other health care professional for:

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To provide you with the most relevant and helpful information, and understand which information is beneficial, we may combine your email and website usage information with other information we have about you. If you are a Mayo Clinic patient, this could include protected health information. If we combine this information with your protected health information, we will treat all of that information as protected health information and will only use or disclose that information as set forth in our notice of privacy practices. You may opt-out of email communications at any time by clicking on the unsubscribe link in the e-mail.

Diaper rash may be caused by:

  • Risk factors for diaper rash include wearing diapers that aren’t changed often enough and having sensitive skin.
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The best way to prevent diaper rash is to keep the diaper area clean and dry. A few simple skin care tips can help:


How do I get rid of diaper rash asap?


Diaper rash is a common skin condition in babies. Most diaper rashes are caused by irritation of the skin from contact with pee, poop, sweat, or the diaper itself, but some diaper rashes are caused by allergies. Signs of diaper rash caused by irritation or allergy include:

If the diaper rash is caused by a skin infection due to yeast or bacteria, it often appears in skin folds and creases and can also cause blisters, open sores, or pus-filled sores.

Depending on what type of rash your baby has, the doctor may recommend changes to your diapering routine. If those changes don’t work, your doctor may suggest an antifungal cream or an antibiotic cream. For a rash caused by an allergic reaction, the doctor may prescribe a mild steroid cream for a few days until the rash goes away. Call the doctor if your baby has diaper rash and:

  • If the rash is severe or doesn’t improve with home treatment.
  • If the rash is accompanied by a fever or other signs of infection.
  • If the rash has blisters or open sores.

The best way to prevent diaper rash is to keep your baby’s skin as dry and clean as possible. Change diapers often so pee and poop won’t irritate the skin. Also:

Date reviewed: September 2024


How do I get rid of diaper rash asap?


Diaper rash is a common skin condition in babies. Most diaper rashes are caused by irritation of the skin from contact with pee, poop, sweat, or the diaper itself, but some diaper rashes are caused by allergies. Signs of diaper rash caused by irritation or allergy include:

If the diaper rash is caused by a skin infection due to yeast or bacteria, it often appears in skin folds and creases and can also cause blisters, open sores, or pus-filled sores.

Depending on what type of rash your baby has, the doctor may recommend changes to your diapering routine. If those changes don’t work, your doctor may suggest an antifungal cream or an antibiotic cream. For a rash caused by an allergic reaction, the doctor may prescribe a mild steroid cream for a few days until the rash goes away. Call the doctor if your baby has diaper rash and:

  • Your baby has a fever.
  • The rash is not improving.
  • There are signs of infection, such as increased redness, swelling, or pus.

The best way to prevent diaper rash is to keep your baby’s skin as dry and clean as possible. Change diapers often so pee and poop won’t irritate the skin. Also:

Date reviewed: September 2024


How to get rid of diaper rash overnight?


Pessoas podem usar os seguintes métodos para ajudar a prevenir e tratar a assadura de fraldas:

  1. Trocando as fraldas com frequência

    Quando um bebê tem assadura, os pais e cuidadores devem estar ainda mais vigilantes do que o normal sobre trocar suas fraldas prontamente. Permitir que um bebê permaneça em uma fralda molhada ou suja quando tem uma assadura pode piorar os sintomas.

  2. Trocando marcas de fraldas ou detergentes para lavanderia

    Se um bebê desenvolve assadura com frequência, sua pele pode ser sensível a um produto específico. Por exemplo, uma marca específica de fralda ou lenço umedecido pode desencadear a assadura. Se as pessoas usam fraldas de pano, o tipo de detergente que estão usando também pode ser responsável pelas assaduras. Eliminar produtos químicos agressivos e fragrâncias pode ajudar a eliminar assaduras persistentes ou recorrentes.

  3. Permitindo que a área respire

    Quando um bebê tem assadura, garantir que ele passe algum tempo durante o dia sem fralda ou roupas pode ajudar a secar e curar a área. As pessoas também devem evitar colocar bebês em roupas apertadas, sintéticas ou de borracha enquanto têm assadura. Vestir roupas soltas feitas de 100% algodão pode ajudar a manter a assadura seca e permitir que a pele respire.

  4. Certificando-se de que a fralda se ajusta corretamente

    Fraldas que são muito apertadas podem irritar a assadura. Pais e cuidadores devem verificar se todas as fraldas se ajustam corretamente e garantir que compram tamanhos maiores à medida que o bebê cresce.

  5. Experimentando cremes e pomadas para fraldas

    Existem muitos cremes de barreira e pomadas calmantes disponíveis em supermercados, farmácias e online. Pais e cuidadores devem procurar cremes que contenham óxido de zinco. Eles devem aplicar uma camada grossa de um desses cremes na pele afetada e permitir que a área seque.

  6. Evitar o uso de lenços umedecidos

    Embora seja essencial manter a área da fralda do bebê limpa, lenços umedecidos podem irritar uma assadura existente. Se um bebê tiver assadura, é melhor limpar a área da fralda suavemente usando sabão sem fragrância e água antes de secá-la. Em situações onde isso não é possível, é aconselhável escolher lenços naturais sem fragrância, que estão disponíveis em farmácias ou online.

  7. Considerar remover novos alimentos

    Introduzir novos alimentos normalmente é benéfico, mas certos alimentos ácidos, como frutas cítricas e tomates, podem fazer com que a urina e as fezes de alguns bebês se tornem particularmente ácidas e irritantes. Pais e cuidadores devem ter cuidado ao introduzir esses alimentos em pequenas quantidades e monitorar o bebê para ver se uma nova assadura se desenvolve ao mesmo tempo. Se isso acontecer, eles devem remover alimentos ácidos da dieta do bebê até que a assadura tenha se curado.

  8. Usar sabonetes e detergentes sem fragrância

    Irritantes da pele, incluindo as fragrâncias em sabonetes e detergentes, são responsáveis por muitos casos de assadura. Culpados comuns incluem detergentes para lavanderia perfumados, alguns sabonetes e cremes para bebês, e certos sais de banho, embora os fabricantes frequentemente os promovam como amigáveis para crianças.

  9. Evitar esfregar a área

    Manter a área da fralda do bebê limpa é crucial, mas esfregar a área pode causar irritação adicional. É melhor limpar suavemente a área ao redor da fralda, evitando qualquer atrito excessivo.

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What worsens diaper rash?

Overzealous cleansing can cause or worsen irritation and delay skin healing. Gentle cleansing with warm water and a soft cloth is usually sufficient. If soap is desired, a mild, fragrance-free product (sample brand names: Dove sensitive or Cetaphil) is recommended.

Does Vaseline help with diaper rash?


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Diaper rash is a term used to describe red skin on a baby’s bottom in the area covered by a diaper. The skin may or may not be sore and does not need to be broken down with blisters to be called diaper rash. Diaper rash is usually caused by skin being exposed to moisture from urine and bowel movements (stool or poop) for too long. The moisture irritates the skin and then the skin starts to break down. The skin gets damaged when it rubs against the diaper. Chemicals in the urine and stool can further hurt the skin and could cause a rash. Irritated skin can be at risk for infection.

Some other causes of diaper rash may include:

  • Keeping your baby’s skin as clean and dry as possible.

Every time you change your baby’s diaper:

A diaper rash can heal within 2 to 3 days. There are several things you can do to treat it.

Call your baby’s health care provider if:

Diaper Rash (PDF), Somali (PDF), Spanish (PDF)

HH-I-28 10/75, Revised 1/22


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