How Long does it take to Beat Ghost of Tsushima?

How long is Ghost of Tsushima’s main story?


In the late 13th century, the Mongol empire has laid waste to entire nations along their campaign to conquer the East. Tsushima Island is all that stands between mainland Japan and a massive Mongol invasion fleet led by the ruthless and cunning general, Khotun Khan. As the island burns in the wake of the first wave of the Mongol assault, samurai wa …Read More

How long is Ghost of Tsushima?

When focusing on the main objectives, Ghost of Tsushima is about 25 Hours in length. If you’re a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 62 Hours to obtain 100% completion.

Platforms: PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5
Genres: Third-Person, Action, Adventure, Open World
Developer: Sucker Punch Productions
Publisher: Sony Interactive Entertainment
NA: July 17th, 2020
EU: July 17th, 2020
JP: July 17th, 2020
Updated: 2 Hours Ago
Alias: Ghost of Tsushima: Director’s Cut


How long does it take to 100% Ghost of Tsushima?


A suitably epic tale

How long does it take to beat Ghost of Tsushima and Ghost of Tsushima: Director’s Cut? Since it’s an open world game, you can spend hours upon hours just exploring the island of Tsushima, and there’s no need to rush through the main story. As such, it’s hard to pinpoint just how lengthy the game is, but in this Ghost of Tsushima guide, we’re going to give you some estimates based on different levels of completion.

Again, Ghost of Tsushima is an open world adventure, and the map offers a lot of optional content. From side quests to hidden locations, there’s a lot to see and do outside of the main story missions if you want to take a break from Jin’s quest for revenge.

Abaixo, temos uma tabela que detalha quanto tempo Ghost of Tsushima leva dependendo de quanto do jogo você está disposto a completar.

Nível de Conclusão Tempo Estimado
Missões Principais 25 horas
Base do Jogo + Expansão Iki Island 40 a 50 horas

Meanwhile, Ghost of Tsushima: Director’s Cut takes longer to beat. This is because Director’s Cut comes with the Iki Island expansion, which provides a whole new region to explore, complete com sua própria história, quests e atividades.

Here’s a breakdown of how long the Iki Island expansion takes to beat:

  • Add the Iki Island expansion to the main Ghost of Tsushima campaign, and you have a complete package that lasts at least 25 hours.
  • On average, it’ll take most players around 40 to 50 hours to play through most of what the base game and the expansion have to offer.

Difficulty can also be a factor in how long it takes to beat Ghost of Tsushima. For more information on the game’s difficulty settings, be sure to check out the following guide: Ghost of Tsushima: What Difficulty Should You Select?

How long have you been playing Ghost of Tsushima? Take your adventure to the comments section below, and be sure to check out our massive Ghost of Tsushima guide for all the help you could possibly need with the game.

Robert (or Rob if you’re lazy) is an assistant editor of Push Square, and has been a fan of PlayStation since the 90s, when Tekken 2 introduced him to the incredible world of video games. He still takes his fighting games seriously, but RPGs are his true passion. The Witcher, Persona, Dragon Quest, Mass Effect, Final Fantasy, Trails, Tales — he’s played ‘em all. A little too much, some might say.


Is Ghost of Tsushima very hard?



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Note: Does not cover Xbox, Nintendo, Steam, or other non-PlayStation platform achievements.




How many endings are there in The Ghost of Tsushima?


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I’m about to finish my play through and considering an NG+ run.

I could have googled this, but I was afraid of accidentally spoiling something for myself.

Basically, if I’m going to NG+, I want to go for a different ending. If there are multiple endings, please don’t spoil what they are, but are they just reached by decision points or do they factor in your playstyle?

So far I’ve not limited myself at all, favoring stealth. But ever since Act I where your uncle urges you to turn from this path, I’ve wondered if it was possible to play honorably enough that he never even says that.

Is there a secret honor ranking that you lose points on every time you, say, use Ghost weapons or perform sneak attacks? If I refuse to use dishonorable tactics, will the game still force me to poison the Mongol camp and become disowned by my uncle or is there another route?

Again, please don’t spoil what happens if so. But if that’s the case, I’ll do an NG+ where I refrain from stealth, poison, and ghost weapons.

Thank you!


Is the Iki expansion worth it?


Ghosts of the past…I didn’t expect to step foot on Iki Island so soon after my trip to Tsushima. I very much enjoyed playing Ghost of Tsushima for over 40 hours, but I felt it was time for something different. So, I moved on to Bayonetta Origins and In Tanta We Trust. I figured I’d get back to Ghost of Tsushima’s expansion, Iki Island, in due time. The fall. Maybe. That was before the trailer for Assassin’s Creed Shadows came out, stoking the fires of those ‘Ghost of Tsushima 2’ (know revealed as ‘Ghost of Yōtei’) will be revealed soon, trust me’ rumours. All of that got me back in the mood for more Samurai action. So, one Saturday night, I cracked open that PS4 copy of mine so much sooner than I thought I would. And here we are at my review of it. Yeah, it was that simple. Not every opening has a long anecdote.

So let’s talk about this surprisingly different piece of DLC and see how well it stacks up against the base game.

After halting the Mongol invasion of Tsushima, disgraced samurai Jin Sakai, now known as “The Ghost,” finds himself on Iki Island. A group of Mongols, led by “The Eagle,” is occupying the island, using some sort of mysterious hallucinogenic brew to drive the people of Iki insane—a brew Jin falls victim to. The Mongols are far from his only worries, however. Jin’s father Kazumasa led a campaign against Iki Island’s many raiders years ago, leaving deep scars on both Iki Island and Jin. The islanders hate the samurai, and Clan Sakai in particular, with a great passion, and Jin is still haunted by his father’s death.

Hallucination or not, hatred for his clan or not, Jin vows to drive off The Eagle and her forces and free Iki Island of their rule.

The story of Iki Island is fine. It’s not a bad or boring narrative; it’s engaging with some nice twists here and there, but it’s not up to the quality of the base game. It’s not as long as even one of the game’s main acts, coming in at around 5 hours, nor does it feel as integrated or emotional. It’s like this story was written by a B-Team. That’s not meant as an insult, mind you. It’s just the clearest way to explain the difference in quality.

Something that stands out here is Kazumasa Sakai, Jin’s deceased father. He who casts a long shadow over his son is now finally seen thanks to The Eagle’s hallucinations. Getting a more concrete view of the man who was brought up plenty before is enjoyable and satisfying. It’s like finding a missing puzzle piece in what made Jin the man he is today. Kazumasa dying on Iki Island instead of in the Yarikawa Rebellion, as presented in the base game, is a retcon that stands out like a sore thumb, but it is what it is. It’s what Jin needed: a reckoning long in the making and what needed to be done to include Kazumasa here. Jin recognizing that his father was neither a saint nor a devil and forgiving himself for the role he played in his death is good character development, even if it doesn’t feel as grand as intended.

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The lack of a clear ending—no end cred.


How many hours of gameplay is Ghost of Tsushima DLC?


A suitably epic tale

How long does it take to beat Ghost of Tsushima and Ghost of Tsushima: Director’s Cut? Since it’s an open world game, you can spend hours upon hours just exploring the island of Tsushima, and there’s no need to rush through the main story. As such, it’s hard to pinpoint just how lengthy the game is, but in this Ghost of Tsushima guide, we’re going to give you some estimates based on different levels of completion.

Again, Ghost of Tsushima is an open world adventure, and the map offers a lot of optional content. From side quests to hidden locations, there’s a lot to see and do outside of the main story missions if you want to take a break from Jin’s quest for revenge.

Abaixo, we’ve broken down como quanto tempo Ghost of Tsushima leva dependendo de quanto do jogo você está procurando completar.

Meanwhile, Ghost of Tsushima: Director’s Cut takes longer to beat. This is because Director’s Cut comes with the Iki Island expansion, which provides a whole new region to explore, complete with its own story, quests, and activities.

Aqui está um resumo de quanto tempo a expansão Iki Island leva para ser concluída:

Tipo de Jogo Duração Estimada
Ghost of Tsushima (base game) 25 horas (pelo menos)
Ghost of Tsushima (base game + Iki Island expansion) 40 a 50 horas (média)

Dificuldade também pode ser um fator em quanto tempo leva para completar Ghost of Tsushima. For more information on the game’s difficulty settings, be sure to check out the following guide: Ghost of Tsushima: What Difficulty Should You Select?

How long have you been playing Ghost of Tsushima? Take your adventure to the comments section below, and be sure to check out our massive Ghost of Tsushima guide for all the help you could possibly need with the game.

Robert (or Rob if you’re lazy) is an assistant editor of Push Square, and has been a fan of PlayStation since the 90s, when Tekken 2 introduced him to the incredible world of video games. He still takes his fighting games seriously, but RPGs are his true passion. The Witcher, Persona, Dragon Quest, Mass Effect, Final Fantasy, Trails, Tales — he’s played ‘em all. A little too much, some might say.


How long before you can leave Iki Island?


How to unlock Journey into the Past:

Tale Reward:

In order to unlock Iki Island, you must first complete the Tale “A New Horizon”, the final Tale of Act 1 which has you venture into the Toyotama region with Lord Shimura. You also of course need to have purchased the Iki Island expansion. If you’re playing the native PS5 version of Ghost of Tsushima: Director’s Cut, you’ll already have it as part of the game.

Iki Island will also have an early period where you cannot Fast Travel off it until you complete the first four Tales of Iki, so keep this in mind if you feel you’re not prepared for its more difficult enemies.

While Iki Island assumes that you’ve just finished playing Act 1, we’ll include some tips and hints to help refresh your memory on how to play the game if you’re jumping back into Ghost of Tsushima.

The start of this Tale begins on Drowned Man’s Shore, located on the West side of the Southern peninsula of the Toyotama Region. It’ll be West-North-West of Akashima Village.

From Akashima Village, head West until you get to the road that runs along the coast, then continue North. There’s no direct path to the Dead Man’s Shore village, so you’ll need to use the Guiding Wind by swiping up on the Touch Pad to help you get the rest of the way. If you find it difficult to track the Guiding Wind, you can make it more visible in the Accessibility menu.

Look for the tree trunks wrapped in purple-blue cloth: they’ll lead you past a large rock towards a mossy-roofed house. Here you’ll find some distressed villagers.

Talk to one of them using R2, and you’ll find that they’re delirious. You’ll need to investigate the area to find out who could have done this.

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It’s always a good idea to scour settlements, camps and other buildings for Supplies and other resources, since you’ll use them to make upgrades just like in the main game. At the front of the house you can find some footprints to Examine. They lead down the path towards the shore. Jin identifies them as Mongol, and the Guiding Wind will point you in the direction of a mongol yurt close to the shore.

Follow the path towards the shore and it’ll lead you to a mongol yurt with a purple roof. While your main objective is behind and to the right of the yurt, you can investigate the clothing and restraining device inside the yurt to learn a bit more about the attackers.

Behind and to the right of the yurt will be a makeshift mongol altar that you can Examine. This will initiate a cutscene.

Here, the three base mongol fighters will appear: a Swordsman, a Shieldsman and a Pikeman. However they will be bolstered by a brand new type of enemy: the Shaman.

Shamans are a Spearman type whose chanting will bolster the aggression and defenses of other mongols fighting you, making them attack more often and take more strikes to kill. Because of this, it’s a very good idea to ignore all other combatants and head straight for the Shaman at the back of the battlefield and take them out, so.


How much content is Iki Island?


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Ghost of Tsushima players can now visit Iki Island as part of the game’s Iki Island expansion. The expansion adds ten to twelve hours of content, with Jin journeying to Iki to investigate a mysterious tribe of Mongol invaders. However, Jin can visit Iki Island at any point after progressing through enough of the main story. It’s left up to players to decide when to make the journey.

Unlocking access to Iki Island involves completing Act 1’s main story. This allows Jin to claim some of the best early-game skill upgrades, fighting stances, and gear, including the grappling hook. However, even though the expansion can be started anytime after Act 2 begins, there are clear pros and cons to consider before jumping into the Iki Island content early.

Related: Ghost of Tsushima has arrived on PlayStation 5 thanks to the Director’s Cut, and players are able to transfer their PS4 save game to the new console.

The best time to start the Iki Island expansion is after completing the main game, and there are compelling story and gameplay reasons not to jump in immediately. Characters encountered in the expansion will speak to Jin as if the main game has been completed, and some sections refer to events that occur in Acts 2 and 3.

Apart from narrative dissonance, the game warns anyone hoping to jump into the new content the moment they unlock it that the challenges on Iki Island are some of the toughest yet.

The way Iki Island is introduced into the main game is fairly seamless, acting as a new location for players to jump back and forth from the mainland. At any point, players can leave Iki Island and return to Tsushima to level up and earn more abilities through the main story.

Some of Ghost of Tsushima’s hardest bosses reside on Iki Island, and even regular enemies are deadlier than their counterparts on Tsushima. Players should ideally have most of their abilities unlocked before visiting Iki Island, as the expansion further pushes these endgame abilities and presents an actual test of skill.

However, Iki Island also features new side activities and many of Ghost of Tsushima’s best armor sets. As such, even if it’s less ideal, players can jump in at any point, and it’s ultimately up to them.

Action-Adventure Open-World
Platform(s) Released Developer(s) Publisher(s) ESRB


Ghost of Tsushima

PC Games


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