How Long Does It Take to Get Pregnant?

How long on average does it take to get pregnant?

Just over a third of healthy couples will conceive in the first month of trying. If you’re under 35 and in good health, it’s perfectly natural for it to take up to a year.

How easy is it to get pregnant after one try?


The chances of getting pregnant the first time trying are low, although it does happen for some. It can take up to a year or longer for most people. Conception in the first month occurs for about 30% of people attempting pregnancy. Successful conception rates tend to decrease steadily after the first month of actively trying to conceive. However, many healthy people without fertility issues could expect to become pregnant by the end of the first year. This article examines how long it may take to become pregnant. We also look at what may affect fertility, as well as available fertility treatments.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the vast majority of people trying to conceive will become pregnant within the first year. They also define infertility depending on the age of the person:

According to infertility research, the likelihood of getting pregnant in the first month is around 30%. For people without fertility issues, the approximate chances of conception are:

The time it takes to conceive varies between people. For some, conception occurs in the first couple of months of unprotected sex. Others may have trouble getting pregnant and need help from a healthcare professional. Approximately 1 in 8 people aged 15–44 years have difficulties trying to conceive or carrying a pregnancy to their due date. People who are not pregnant within 1 year should talk to their doctor for advice.

There are several reasons that people may find conception difficult, such as:

  • Age
  • Medical conditions
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Unhealthy lifestyle choices

People can take steps to increase their chances of getting pregnant, including:

  • Maintaining a healthy weight
  • Reducing stress
  • Avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol intake
  • Tracking ovulation

Pessoas com ciclos menstruais regulares têm mais chances de engravidar do que aquelas com ciclos menstruais irregulares. Isso ocorre porque pessoas com períodos irregulares podem não ovular regularmente. Durante ciclos irregulares, a ovulação pode ocorrer a qualquer momento entre 9–21 dias no ciclo de ovulação.

Pessoas geralmente consultam um médico após 1 ano de tentativas para engravidar. Elas também podem ver um profissional de saúde mais cedo se tiverem preocupações sobre a fertilidade.

Existem vários tratamentos de fertilidade que uma pessoa pode discutir com seu médico. Antes de iniciar o tratamento, as pessoas geralmente passam por testes e avaliações, incluindo:

  • Exames de sangue
  • Ultrassonografias
  • Análise de esperma

Tratar qualquer anormalidade pode ajudar a melhorar a fertilidade de uma pessoa. Um médico também pode recomendar uma análise de esperma. Analisar o esperma pode ajudar a determinar se os problemas de concepção são devido à contagem ou qualidade do esperma.

Tratamentos de fertilidade de baixo custo podem incluir:

  • Medicamentos para induzir a ovulação
  • Monitoramento de ovulação

Outros tratamentos de fertilidade que os médicos podem discutir incluem:

  • Fertilização in vitro (IVF)
  • Injeção de esperma intracitoplasmática (ICSI)

Pessoas devem conversar com seu médico se tiverem dificuldades para engravidar. Uma pessoa pode considerar falar com seu médico mais cedo se seguir as recomendações relevantes, mas ainda tiver dificuldades para conceber.

Um profissional de saúde pode ajudar a determinar se questões biológicas podem estar causando um problema de fertilidade. Eles podem recomendar tratamentos para corrigir certas condições de saúde subjacentes que podem estar causando baixa fertilidade. Eles também podem discutir e recomendar tratamentos de fertilidade.


How many days until you actually get pregnant?


When you’re trying to get pregnant, the anticipation is real. Whether you’ve been trying for a while or just starting to think about stopping birth control, the days on the calendar suddenly take on new meaning. Is it an ovulation day? Is my period due? Is it time to talk with a fertility specialist? And, of course, how long does it really take to get pregnant? The answer isn’t so cut and dry. A lot comes into play when considering how long it will take to conceive, and the timeline will be different for everybody. After all, as Ob/Gyn Chris Cantwell, MD, notes, “People write entire textbooks on this stuff.”

We talked with Dr. Cantwell to unpack it a bit (but leave the textbooks to the med students).

A quick refresher on the “birds and the bees” for starters. To get pregnant without medical interventions, you need to have vaginal intercourse, which means penis-vagina-style sex. That’s the only kind of intercourse that allows semen (sperm) to get to an egg and fertilize it, thereby conceiving a fetus.

For fertilization to occur, semen need to be deposited inside of your vagina, where it’ll start making the trip up your cervix and toward your fallopian tube in search of an egg to fertilize. Once fertilized, the developing embryo travels to the uterus and sets up shop. Soon, your body will start releasing human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), also called the pregnancy hormone. Around then, you’ll be able to see a positive home pregnancy test.

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The timeline from unprotected sex to that positive test is (roughly):

  • 80% of women who are having vaginal intercourse regularly and aren’t using birth control will successfully get pregnant within six months.
  • By 12 months, an additional 5% will become pregnant.

Your fertility naturally declines with age, though. In any given menstrual cycle, the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology says your chances of becoming pregnant are:

Idade Chance de engravidar
20 anos 25% a 30%
30 anos 20% a 25%
35 anos 15% a 20%
40 anos 10% a 15%

Aquelas figuras são baseadas na idade das mulheres. A idade de um homem não tem um efeito drástico na fertilidade.

“We use age 35 as a dividing line,” Dr. Cantwell states. “We know that after that, you’re more likely to have difficulty getting pregnant. There are also higher rates of complications during pregnancy. Of course, it’s completely possible to get pregnant and have healthy pregnancies after 35, but the research shows that things can get more difficult in your late 30s and beyond.”

How often people have sex is a personal matter. Probably one of the most personal matters out there to be honest.

The thing about getting pregnant isn’t that you have to have sex all the time. What’s more important, Dr. Cantwell says, is the timing of that sex (which may sound decidedly less-than-sexy).

“Ovulation, when the ovary releases an egg, happens in the midpoint of your menstrual cycle, and that’s when you’re most fertile,” he continues. “When the egg releases, that’s when sperm can fertilize it and develop into a pregnancy.”


Will I get pregnant after 2 days?


Having unprotected sex at any time is risky and may lead to pregnancy. This means you can get pregnant before your period, during it, or right after your period ends. In fact, some people are more likely to get pregnant a few days after the end of their period. This can happen if that’s when they ovulate (release an egg from the ovaries). With ovulation, the body gets ready for a possible pregnancy.

You could get pregnant up to 72 hours (3 days) after having sex. That’s how long sperm can live in the female reproductive system.

So if you do have sex, use a condom each time. Condoms work best when used with a reliable form of birth control like an intrauterine device (IUD), an implant, or birth control pills.

If you have unprotected sex, along with the chance of getting pregnant, you could also get a sexually transmitted disease (STD). STDs can spread through vaginal, oral, or anal sex; by using fingers; or with other sexual contact.

The only way to fully prevent STDs and pregnancy is to not have sex.

Your doctor can help answer questions about your period, sex, birth control, and STDs. You can also reach out to health clinics like Planned Parenthood. See your doctor right away if you’ve had unprotected sex or a condom broke. You can get tested for pregnancy and STDs.

Date reviewed: April 2024


How quickly can you get pregnant while ovulating?


Fertile days are the days a woman is most likely to get pregnant. Infertility is a related topic. When trying to become pregnant, many couples plan intercourse between days 11 to 14 of the woman’s 28-day cycle. This is when ovulation occurs.

It is hard to know exactly when ovulation will happen. Health care providers recommend that couples who are trying to have a baby have sex between days 7 and 20 of a woman’s menstrual cycle. Day 1 is the first day of menstrual bleeding. In order to become pregnant, having sex every other day or every third day works just as well as having sex every day.

If you have an irregular menstrual cycle, an ovulation predictor kit can help you know when you are ovulating. These kits check for luteinizing hormone (LH) in the urine. You can buy them without a prescription at most drug stores.

There are various other methods to help detect when you are most likely to be able to conceive a baby.

Note: Some lubricants can interfere with conception. If you are trying to get pregnant, you should avoid all douches and lubricants (including saliva), except those specifically designed to not interfere with fertility (such as Pre-seed). Lubricants should never be used as a method of birth control.


Cervical fluid protects the sperm and helps it move toward the uterus and fallopian tubes. Cervical fluid changes occur when the woman’s body is getting ready to release an egg. There are clear differences in how it looks and feels during the woman’s monthly menstrual cycle.

You can use your fingers to see how your cervical fluid feels.


After you ovulate, your body temperature will rise and stay at a higher level for the rest of your ovulation cycle. At the end of your cycle, it falls again. The difference between the 2 phases is most often less than 1 degree. If your temperature is between 2 marks, record the lower number. Try to take your temperature at the same time every day, if possible.

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Create a chart and write down your temperature every day. If you look at a complete cycle, you will probably notice a point at which the temperatures become higher than in the first part of your cycle. The rise is about 0.2 degrees or more above the previous 6 days.

Temperature is a useful indicator of fertility. After checking for several cycles, you may be able to see a pattern and identify your most fertile days.


How long does it take from ovulation to conception?


Every month, the reproductive organs in a healthy woman prepare for pregnancy. A complex interaction between the pituitary gland in the brain, the ovaries and the uterus work to create the perfect environment for ovulation (the release of an egg) to occur, for the sperm and egg to meet and for the fertilised egg to implant itself in the uterus.

The menstrual cycle: After ovulation the egg lives for 12 to 24 hours and must be fertilised in that time if a woman is to become pregnant. The burst of oestrogen just before ovulation also works inside the neck of the uterus (the cervix) to make protein-rich clear jelly that covers the top of the vagina during sex. This makes the vagina acidic (which prevents thrush and other infections). This is also a suitable environment for sperm survival. The sperm rapidly swim up and into the cervix, where they can survive in the mucus for up to five days before an egg is released.

When the egg is released at ovulation, it is covered in sticky cells, which help the fallopian tube to catch it. The egg and the sperm meet in the fallopian tube where the sperm start to digest the sticky cells. While it takes only one sperm to make a baby, several need to attach to the outer shell and the membrane of the egg before one can enter and fertilise it.

After fertilisation, the egg and sperm very quickly merge and divide to become an embryo and chemicals are released to stop other sperm from entering. Over the next four or five days the fertilised egg continues to divide and to travel towards the uterus. The hormone progesterone, which is secreted into your blood stream by the burst follicle (now called the corpus luteum) prepares the uterus for the egg to implant.

As the pregnancy grows and implants itself into the mother’s uterine lining and blood vessels, it is sending an increasingly strong signal to the ovary to prolong and increase its production of progesterone, which the pregnancy needs to survive.

The best time to attempt a pregnancy is in the three to six days leading up to and including ovulation. The most fertile days will vary depending on your cycle length.

If you are using contraception you will need to stop using it if you plan to get pregnant. There are no clear guidelines about when to stop using the Pill (oral contraception) if you are planning to get pregnant. Some health professionals suggest you have three normal menstrual periods, after stopping the Pill, to allow your metabolic function to return to normal. The length of time that it takes for fertility to return will differ for each woman. It is possible, although rare, for a woman to fall pregnant while on the Pill. There is no evidence that this causes problems for the baby.

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How do I know if I conceived during ovulation?


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When you’re trying for a baby, it’s natural to be on high alert for any signs of what’s going on in your body. You might be especially attentive to signs of ovulation (when you’re at your most fertile) and implantation (the moment when you officially become pregnant). But confusingly, these two milestones can have similar symptoms. Here’s the lowdown on how to spot the difference between ovulation and implantation.

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The Flo app can help you better understand your fertility. If you’re trying to get pregnant, ovulation and implantation may be two milestones on your mind. However, they’re very different. Ovulation is when your body releases an egg so that it can get fertilized by a sperm. This is the time in your cycle when you’re most fertile. To be more precise, your fertile window includes the five days before ovulation, the day of ovulation, and the 24 hours after. When you’re trying to conceive, these are the best days to have sex to conceive.

Implantation, on the other hand, comes later. After ovulation, if a sperm meets and fertilizes your egg, it may travel down your uterine tube to your uterus, where it may attach to the uterine lining. This is the moment when you become officially pregnant.

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To understand how to spot implantation versus ovulation, it’s good to know some of the signs of both. Around the time you ovulate, you might feel slightly different. Ovulation can come with many different symptoms, but it’s important to know that different people experience different signs, and not everyone feels them. The most common signs are:

  • Mild cramping
  • Change in cervical mucus
  • Slight increase in basal body temperature
  • Breast tenderness
  • Light spotting

Implantation comes with far fewer signs than ovulation. In fact, according to one study from the United States, on average, people don’t realize that implantation has happened and that they are pregnant until they are 5.5 weeks along.

There are really only two possible signs of implantation itself, according to Dr. Flanagan:

“Some people report a day of mild cramping coupled with light bleeding that is brown, pink, or reddish in color for 24 to 48 hours around the time implantation would occur,” Dr. Flanagan explains.

Around a quarter of pregnant women experience implantation bleeding, which may or may not come with mild cramping. You’ll likely only notice it in your underwear or when you wipe after going to the bathroom. However, before you start inspecting your underwear for spotting, how soon after ovulation could you notice implantation symptoms? Well, the timing of implantation can vary, happening between six and 10 days after fertilization on average. So, this is not a speedy process.


Is there a 100% chance of getting pregnant on ovulation day?


If you’re trying to conceive, you may know by now how important timing is. After all, timing intercourse around ovulation is critical to conception. As you move through the different phases of your cycle, your chances of getting pregnant change as well. Understanding the chances of getting pregnant throughout your cycle — especially your chances of conceiving on ovulation day — may be the key to your success!

It’s no secret that in order to get pregnant, egg and sperm need to meet. An egg is only released during ovulation, about midway through your cycle. Once an egg has been released, they can only survive for 12-24 hours. That means sperm has a really short amount of time in which it can fertilize the egg. Additionally, his sperm needs some time to swim all the way through your reproductive system to reach the egg. Because of both of these factors, the chances of getting pregnant on ovulation day are about 20%. You may be surprised by how low that number is — we sure were!

The good news is that ovulation day is not the only day each cycle when it’s possible to get pregnant. You may wonder, can you get pregnant before ovulation? Not quite, but, while eggs can only live for no more than a day after ovulation, sperm can actually have a much longer life span. Healthy sperm may survive in your reproductive tract for up to 5 days. In fact, having intercourse during the few days leading up to ovulation can help ensure the sperm is ready and waiting for the egg once ovulation occurs. You should start “trying” ideally up to 3 days before ovulation actually occurs.

Aqui estão as probabilidades de gravidez específicas por dia com base no dia da relação sexual:

Dia Probabilidade de gravidez
3 dias antes da ovulação
2 dias antes da ovulação
1 dia antes da ovulação
Dia da ovulação 20%
Dia após a ovulação

Você verá que a probabilidade de gravidez diminui significativamente no dia da ovulação e no dia seguinte. Esperar muito tarde em seu ciclo pode prejudicar suas chances de concepção. É por isso que entender seu ciclo e saber quando você está ovulando é tão importante!

Ovulação tipicamente ocorre aproximadamente no meio do seu ciclo. Se você tem um ciclo regular — o que significa que o número de dias entre cada período é consistente — você pode ser capaz de adivinhar quando a ovulação ocorrerá ou simplesmente cronometrar a relação sexual logo antes do meio do seu ciclo. No entanto, nem todo mundo tem um ciclo regular e a ovulação pode variar em um dia ou dois, mesmo naqueles com ciclos regulares. É aqui que acompanhar seu ciclo se torna importante.

Mudanças nos níveis de hormônios de fertilidade preparam o corpo e desencadeiam a ovulação a cada ciclo. Entender e monitorar essas mudanças hormonais é a maneira mais testada e verdadeira de saber quando você está ovulando. Testes de ovulação caseiros geralmente medem os níveis de hormônio luteinizante (LH). Um aumento dramático no LH (também chamado de “surto”) é o que faz o ovário liberar o óvulo. A ovulação deve ocorrer cerca de 12-36 horas após um surto de LH. Isso significa que um teste de ovulação positivo (que indica um surto de LH) identifica seus 2 dias mais férteis a cada ciclo. Mas, como sabemos, há mais alguns dias a cada ciclo em que você pode ser fértil.


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