How Long Does It Take to Introduce Solid Foods to a Baby?

How quickly can you introduce new foods to baby?

You can start introducing different foods after 6 months of age. But make sure you introduce one new food every week. Check for allergies hence introduce one at a time. Let the baby and baby tummy get adjusted as well. If the baby is not showing any interest in eating solid food. Skip that food for a week.

Can I give my 4 month old baby food?

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends exclusive breast-feeding (or formula) for the first six months after birth. But by ages 4 months to 6 months, most babies are ready to begin eating solid foods as a complement to breast-feeding or formula-feeding . Jun 6, 2019 – this according to the mayo clinic.

Is it better to start solids at 4 months or 6 months?

A baby’s digestive system is not mature enough for solids at 4 months, current research supports waiting until 6 months. There are clear benefits to waiting, and few benefits to starting earlier, not to mention particular risks to beginning solids before 6 months.

What is the 3 day rule for babies?


You may have read or heard somewhere that during weaning, you should wait three days before introducing new foods. This is sometimes referred to as the ‘three-day wait rule’. This blog explains where this notion comes from and why I don’t recommend that you wait three days in between every food you introduce to baby.

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With so much conflicting advice available on weaning your baby, it can all get confusing. I have lots of blog posts focusing on different aspects of weaning to help simplify things so do check them all out. These include:

  • my complete guide to essential nutrients during weaning
  • my guides to baby-led weaning
  • veg-led weaning
  • weaning with purees
  • my posts covering weaning equipment
  • trying new textures during weaning
  • whether you should give baby milk or food first during weaning
  • what next for baby after first tastes

The advice to wait three days in between introducing new weaning foods stems from outdated advice linked to the introduction of allergens. My guide to introducing allergens during weaning gives you the full (and up-to-date) lowdown on this topic – so in this blog post I instead want to focus on WHY you don’t need to wait three days in between introducing all new foods to your baby.

Because whilst it’s true that when introducing new allergens to baby you should do this one at a time, increasing exposure slowly, this advice doesn’t apply to ALL new foods, only to the 14 major food allergens.

If you think about it, if you waited three days in between introducing each new food to your baby, you would be off to a very, very slow start to weaning! It would mean that in their first year of weaning, your baby would be drastically restricted in what foods they could eat. Not only that, but your job as a parent would be made so much harder trying to record or recall which foods you had introduced your baby to over time – not to mention attempting to find meal combinations that would ‘work’ using over those foods they had been introduced to every incremental set of three days. Thankfully, this isn’t a rule that parents need to wean by!

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In fact, the reverse is actually true. The best idea for your baby is for them to be introduced to as many different foods, tastes and textures as possible during weaning. This is both because we want to provide a balanced diet for baby and because it’s really important to offer a variety of foods to your baby or toddler. So, whilst in some parts of the world, the advice is to offer the same weaning food for three days before moving on to the next, in the UK, the recommendation is that it’s absolutely fine to offer a new food each day from the very start of weaning. This is the approach I follow in my book, How To Wean Your Baby.

Research indicates that between the age of 6 to 12 months, babies are especially receptive to accepting new foods and flavours so it’s important to try and increase exposure during this time. Don’t worry if you don’t think your baby is.


What foods can babies eat from 4 to 6 months?

Pureed Fruits: Apples, pears, bananas, and avocados are popular choices.
Pureed Vegetables: Sweet potatoes, carrots, peas, and squash are often introduced.
Cereals: Iron-fortified single-grain cereals like rice or oatmeal, mixed with breast milk or formula.
Pureed Meats: Chicken or turkey can be introduced for protein.

What should I feed my 4 month old baby first?

A 4-month old baby can, and should, be given any food you like. Anything goes really. Meats, vegetables, fruits, chocolate, McDonald’s, pasta, cereal, it’s all ok as long as you grind it up into a paste so the baby doesn’t choke. The only things you can not give to a 4-month old baby are honey and alcohol.

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Is 4 months too early to start baby food?


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What is the first food to give a baby?

The best first foods to introduce to a baby include rice cereal, pureed fruits like bananas and avocados, pureed vegetables like sweet potatoes and carrots, single-grain cereals like oatmeal or barley, and plain whole milk yogurt. Start with small amounts and gradually increase as your baby adjusts.

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