How Long Does It Take for a Baby to Recognize Their Parents?

At what age do babies start recognizing their parents?


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Bigelow A et al. Distinguishing Mother–Infant Interaction From Stranger–Infant Interaction at 2, 4, and 6 Months of Age. Infancy. Published 2008. 132(2):158-171. Link Your Baby’s Development: The Second Trimester. Updated February 2011. Link Your Baby’s Development: The Third Trimester. Updated February 2011. Link Baby’s Vision Development. Updated Aug. 7, 2013. Link Your Baby’s Vision: 1 Month. Updated Aug. 7, 2013. Link Your Baby’s Vision: 4 to 7 Months. Updated Aug. 7, 2013. Link

Lee GY and Kisilevsky BS. Fetuses respond to father’s voice but prefer mother’s voice after birth. Developmental Psychobiology. Published online July 2, 2013. Link

McKone E et al. The Cognitive and Neural Development of Face Recognition in Humans. In Gazzaniga (Ed.), The Cognitive Neurosciences pp. 467-482. Published 2009. Link

Minagawa-Kawai Y et al. Prefrontal Activation Associated with Social Attachment: Facial-Emotion Recognition in Mothers and Infants. Cerebral Cortex. Published 2009 (online May 30, 2008);19(2): 284-292. Link

Nemours. The Senses and Your 1- to 3-Month-Old. Reviewed September 2011. Link

Slater A and Quinn P. Face recognition in the newborn infant. Infant and Child Development. Published March-June 2001;10(2):21-24. Link


How to tell if your baby recognizes you?


From the moment your baby arrives, you spend the first year and beyond getting to know them. You learn what makes them laugh, when they are hungry, what their different cries sound like, and more. At the same time, your infant is doing just what you are! Your baby is learning to recognize you through their senses. At birth, they are starting to recognize your voices, faces, and smells to figure out who is taking care of them.

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Since the maternal voice is audible in utero, an infant starts to recognize their mother’s voice from the third trimester. The voice that they hear is muffled and low, and they can also hear their mother’s heartbeat. Soon after birth, studies have shown that a baby will recognize their mother’s voice and will expend great efforts to hear her voice better over unfamiliar female voices. This suggests that prenatal experiences influence a baby’s ability to recognize their mother’s voice. With continued exposure, your infant will become more familiar to the sound of other voices. They will start to recognize and form a preference to their father’s voice, as well as other family and friends.

If you remember from this previous module of the course, a newborn’s vision is pretty fuzzy. They can see just far enough away to perceive and study your faces when they are being held. In your baby’s first few months of life, the faces they see most often are yours! Given this exposure, your baby learns to recognize your face. Studies have shown that by three months of age your baby can discriminate between their mother’s face and the face of a stranger. As with your voices, with more experience your baby will develop a preference for your faces and those around you. You may start to feel a sense of excitement when you see a smile emerge on your baby’s face as they recognize yours.

In addition, your baby is using their sense of smell to recognize their mother. While you are feeding or otherwise in close contact with your baby, you are giving your child the opportunity to become more familiar with your unique smells. Researchers have found that babies are able to discriminate between their mother’s odors and odors produced by either unfamiliar lactating females and females who have never given birth. Newborns begin to prefer their mother’s odors, and this familiar scent may even help calm or soothe your infant.

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As new parents, you may worry that your infant does not yet recognize you, or you will not be able to tell when they do. Remember that each baby is different, and they will develop preferences at their own unique pace. Also, it may take time for you as well to learn your baby’s signals and habits. During these few months and beyond, they will be constantly exposed to your faces and voices, giving them the opportunity to learn all about you! Take this time to bond with your new baby!

For additional information and resources, take a look at the following.

  1. Within their first few months, your baby will become fascinated with your faces and vo


At what age do babies get attached to their parents?

Babies typically begin to form attachments to their primary caregivers, often their mothers, around 6 to 8 months of age. This attachment is characterized by behaviors such as seeking closeness, showing distress when separated, and displaying joy upon reunion.

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During the early weeks of life, babies use their sense of hearing and smell to identify the people closest to them. Because your baby’s eyesight is still developing, it may take a little longer for them to recognize your face.

Knowing you by sound

Babies know their biological mother’s voice even before birth. Once they are born, any primary caregiver’s voice becomes quickly recognizable. Your baby’s language learning begins with recognizing voices. Hearing a familiar voice (even in a recording) activates their brain’s speech-processing center.

Knowing you by smell

Just as with sound, a baby’s sense of smell gets a head start in the womb. They began to smell (and taste) their mother’s amniotic fluid in utero. After birth, it only takes a few days before they can tell—and begin to prefer—their primary caregiver’s scent.

Knowing you by sight

It takes at least a few weeks and maybe up to 2 months for a baby to discern their primary caregiver by sight. Right now, they can only see 8 to 12 inches away from their face, so bring them close ❤️

Your baby’s ability to recognize people by sight will improve as they get older. Some studies even suggest that 6-month-olds are much better at picking out individual faces from a crowd than adults are!

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How long do babies feel apart of their mom?

Babies begin to develop a sense of self and recognize that they are separate from their caregivers, typically their mothers, around 6 to 12 months of age. This awareness is part of a broader developmental process that includes:
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Can babies sense when their mother is away?

Babies have a remarkable ability to sense their caregivers’ presence and absence, even while sleeping. This sensitivity can be attributed to several factors: Attachment and Bonding: From birth, babies develop strong emotional bonds with their primary caregivers.

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What age do babies get really attached to their mom?

Babies typically begin to form attachments to their primary caregivers, often their mothers, around 6 to 8 months of age. This attachment is characterized by behaviors such as seeking closeness, showing distress when separated, and displaying joy upon reunion.

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